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Monthly Archives: July 2009

If Obama tried to break into the White House, he’d get shot

Last week, Harvard professor Henry ‘Skip’ Gates (who is black) was arrested after he broke into his own home in Cambridge Mass., even after he had shown ID that this was his home. Last night at his press conference Obama was asked about the incident, and joked that if he had tried to jimmy his […]


Late Night Political Humor

“The tag Republicans kept throwing to hang around Sonia Sotomayor’s neck was ‘reverse racist.’ They said, you know, it’s reverse racists like her that give regular racists like them a bad name.” – Bill Maher “Yesterday, Sonia Sotomayor’s questioning finally came to an end. Sotomayor said that she had received a ‘gracious and fair’ hearing. […]


Sick Around the World

One thing that has been notably missing from the health care debate has been a (sane) discussion of health care systems in other nations. You would think that if we are going to reform health care in this country, we might want to look at what has worked in other nations (and avoid things that […]


Lewis Black Blasts Health Care Reform

Some hilarious lines in this “Back in Black” segment about health care reform on the Daily Show: I’ve always had a great health care plan; I plan to someday care about my health. And in response to a video showing Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell saying: I had a friend in Florida who had a […]


Congressional Sympathy

© Bill Day


Fee-d Me!

What’s ironic about this is that banks actually are making up for their losses by increasing their fees. The conclusion? “We [bank customers] will have to be on our toes to avoid getting tripped up.”


Late Night Political Humor

“In the end Sotomayor coasted through the hearings by proving she had a great respect for judicial precedent. The judicial precedent being that Supreme Court nominees do their best during a hearing to say nothing.” – Jon Stewart “Earlier today, at her confirmation hearing, Sonia Sotomayor said that judges gather information from everywhere, including Wikipedia, […]


Oops, that’s not funny

from MotiFake


We’re Screwed!

© Bill Day


Late Night Political Humor

“Sonia Sotomayor in the news. She’s testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. And she has said that she ‘felt out of place attending Princeton.’ Sotomayor says there were so many white males in Princeton, she felt like she was testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.” – Conan O’Brien “Have you been […]


Republican Rumble

© RJ Matson


The Bono-Bush Hug Dodge

At the 2006 National Prayer Breakfast, U2 singer Bono stiffed then-president Bush out of a photo op when Bush tried to give Bono a hug. He dodged the hug by stepping behind the podium, and thought that nobody noticed. But when he sat down, he was sitting next to then-Senator Barack Obama. In the following […]


One Dumb Comment

The Republicans on the Judiciary Committee keep bringing up the Wise Latina quote: © Clay Jones © Mike Luckovich


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor had her second day in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee today. I guess they have to do that in order to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. Her confirmation is pretty much a forgone conclusion, but even the leading Republican said the only way she would not […]


Gold in Sacks

© Stuart Carlson Paul Krugman, on the massive bonuses that Goldman Sacks is preparing to hand out to their employees (an average of over $1 million per employee!), just a few months after the massive federal bailout, and why this is almost certainly very bad for America. And Andy Borowitz reports that Goldman Sachs is […]
