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Monthly Archives: October 2010

Tea Party v2

© Clay Bennett They protest against taxes, and yet taxes are at their lowest rate since WWII (and we are having to lay off teachers because of it). They claim lower taxes will result in greater prosperity, and yet the periods when our prosperity was highest was back when taxes were much higher. Did Bush’s […]


Late Night Political Humor

“There is a big difference between a disappointing friend and a deadly enemy. Of course the Democrats are disappointing. That’s what makes them Democrats. If they were any more frustrating they’d be your relatives. But in this country they are all that stands between you and darkest night. You know why their symbol is the […]


Must Everything be Political?

© Marshall Ramsey


Investing in America

By the way, you know that big bank bailout that the pundits and Tea Party are still screaming about as an example of government waste and increasing the debt? It turns out that the Troubled Asset Relief Program has actually made money for the government — $25.2 billion actually. That’s a 8.2% return over two […]


Helen and Margaret’s Pledge to America

[I’m reposting this from the ever-brilliant Margaret and Helen.] Margaret, the problem with Populism is that the population includes asses like Sarah Palin and her Tea Party. Someone needs to remind them that this is America. The government is elected by the people. Questioning your government is patriotic. Hating your government, one the other hand, […]


Your own self interest?

© Tom Tomorrow Why is it that the people who complain the loudest about big government are the first ones to turn to it when they have a problem? UPDATE: Even the Wall Street Journal notes that there have been many problems with foreclosures, despite banks’ claims to the contrary. The problems prompted a strong […]


What if Obama cut taxes, and nobody noticed?

When surveyed whether Obama had raised or lowered taxes, less than 10% respond that Obama has lowered their federal taxes. And yet, since entering office, Obama lowered taxes for over 90% of the population. Making this even more ironic, those tax cuts were part of the stimulus bill, a bill which right-wingers routinely attack while […]


Late Night Political Humor

“I feel bad for the Chilean miners. They were down there in the dark so long. I mean, my God, it’s like the Tea Party.” – David Letterman “At one point during the debate, Christine O’Donnell said, ‘What I think is irrelevant.’ I’ll keep that in mind come Election Day.” – David Letterman “The first […]


The Last Two Workers in the US

© Ted Rall If businesses won’t start hiring until demand picks up, and consumers won’t start buying until they have jobs, then this scenario doesn’t seem to be that far fetched.


Has anyone heard a Republican name one thing they would cut to reduce the deficit?

Republicans continue to claim that they will reduce government spending. For example, when asked how they will pay for extending the Bush tax cuts, they claim they will do it by cutting government spending. There’s one big problem with this. In order to cut government spending, you are going to have to cut at least […]


Uncomfortable with Reality

It is fascinating to watch Dylan Ratigan explain the simple truth about Muslims, terrorists, and the American “War on Islam”. But what makes this ironic is how absolutely uncomfortable this makes the rest of the people on the Morning Joe show. Especially when he calls it “an extraordinary failure of our politicians and our media.” […]


Miles to Go

On October 20th, just a few days away, 60 year old brothers Laird and Robin Monahan end their 3000 mile walk across the US to support a constitutional amendment to abolish corporate personhood. This is the defining issue of our time. A time when we, as a nation, revisit the tyranny that sparked the first […]


The Very Model of a Modern US President


Tea or Tree?

© Lisa Benson I’m not actually completely sure what this is trying to say, but it made me laugh!


Late Night Political Humor

“Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh are President Obama’s 10th cousins. Which means they are secret Muslims.” – Jimmy Kimmel “Did you watch the debate with Christine O’Donnell, you know, the anti-self pleasuring, witchy candidate in Delaware? She wasn’t that good though. She’s not really a master debater.’” – Craig Ferguson “Christine O’Donnell is trailing in […]
