Jon Stewart has a funny clip on the changing American position on the situation in Egypt.
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Had a tax client who as he was leaving my house said “I’d like this country to be a theocracy.” Ever since I’ve thought: Muslim, Judism, Catholic, Baptist, Southern Baptist,Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, etc. I’ll suggest he join forces with the man in Texas who wants each county a different Religion.
haha John Stewart…he gave me some hope…somethings are still made in American =D
I’m hopeful the “dems” will get to and hold the top before the “thes” do. At the same time, I realize that hope includes a moderate amount of wishful thinking.
What kind a folks you workin with Ebdoug? 🙂
Great clip.
I have a question for Ebdoug regarding tax prep organization of H & R Block. I have heard from two different sources, one a tax preparer at the block and second from my nephew that they are not offering the rapid refund this year and are blaming it on Obama, saying he would not let them offer it. I have found the real reason was due to their banking partner was shut down for predatory lending practices shortly before the season and they couldn’t find other option on short notice per the, otherwise known as the Philadelphia Inquirer. I guess my question is when did the blockheads known for rapid refund instead becoming known for vapid retort instead.
Dave TN – I can’t say for HRB, but rapid refunds (loans on tax refunds) is alive and well in my state. Every 3rd commercial is about that.
Another question for Ebdoug – if you are itemizing and use a tax program, when will the final fix be ready. (needed because of the late vote on extending BTC’s)
Patriot, you think a tax preparer’s gonna give you tips on the competition? 😉
btw, I love TurboTax and am waiting for them to offer me a paid sponsorship deal. Which reminds me, when is Tapatio going to do the same?
Clients: They are delightful people. We agree to disagree on Religion.
HRB: I worked there for 12 years-1983-1994. I watched the returns go from $15 up. I watched Rapid Refund come in with a hatred of it. I’d tell the clients before they signed the paper, “You are paying 212% interest rate on this loan.” My boss would jump all over me. I left in the middle of 1994 tax season over “what was more important, the money or the client.” I had a non compete clause, but my clients followed me anyway. And stayed with me. Now that I’ve retired, I’m asking them to bring lap top to my house and do their return on TurboTax. I did a free on TurboTax for someone yesterday. One W-2 at liberty Tax is$200. You work for your $12000 and then go pay$200 to file? Not my exclients.
I heard only what you heard on rapid refund. Oh, when my clients were in need, I’d lend them the money. Have someone now in Idaho who floundered on TurboTax(I sat at my house in New York for two hours waiting for her questions, she felt she could do it herself without my help)I sent her the refund and a return I printed off “fill in forms” so she can get my money back.
Schedule A can be filed. Ex Client did one on Tuesday. Certain things are going to delay it until the 15th. Tuition credit and baby sitting, I think. IRS.Gov will keep you up to date.Both of those are dependent on income.
I can’t begin to tell you how thrilling it is to make headway on my tax return (business, medical, investments) not back it up because Iwas in the middle of another project and have the computer die. So far I’m not in love with Window 7, I was really in love with Vista.