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Monthly Archives: November 2012

Rubbing It In, in Stone

from Daily Kos The campaign to put Barack Obama’s head on Mount Rushmore is gaining steam. How many conservative heads will this cause to explode?


Late Night Political Humor

“It was announced today that former General Petraeus has agreed to testify before Congress. I guess he figured, ‘Why not?’ Those questions can’t be any tougher than the ones he’s getting at home right now.” – Jay Leno “According to a study, there are three areas where humans now are getting dumber. High school kids. […]


Real Questions

© Lee Judge Despite embarrassing themselves by jumping the gun attacking Obama over the Libyan Embassy attack, the Republicans don’t have any hard facts so they keep throwing innuendo around. This is beyond hypocrisy. Just a few months ago at the Republican convention, they were trying to rewrite history by saying that George W. Bush […]


Late Night Political Humor

“‘Skyfall,’ the number one movie at the box office this week, made over $100 million. It’s the biggest opening ever for a James Bond film. There’s not a lot of sex in the movie – it’s very downplayed. See, James Bond is just a secret agent. It’s not like he’s head of the CIA.” – […]



© Adam Zyglis I’m a huge fan of roadrunner cartoons, and love that moment when Wile E. Coyote realizes that he is not standing on anything and plummets back to earth. Isn’t that exactly the situation the GOP is facing now? Everyone is talking about the fiscal cliff that is coming up. But they don’t […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Florida has finally finished counting the votes. What is wrong with Florida? Why is it so hard for the people down there to count votes? We’re talking about a state where half the population can play 10 bingo cards at the same time.” – Jay Leno “The presidential election officially ended this weekend, four days […]


Cutting the Cord

© Clay Bennett If it ever actually was a real grass-roots movement, the Tea Party was co-opted almost immediately by special interest groups with lots of money. They had their moment with the 2010 midterm elections, but now seem to have lost their mojo with the voters. It’s about time.


Late Night Political Humor

“According to poll data, President Obama’s victory on Tuesday was due largely to his popularity with both college students and the unemployed. So basically Obama became President the same way Budweiser became the King of Beers.” – Seth Meyers “After this week’s election 19 women will now hold seats in the Senate, which is the […]


Buying Votes

Republicans are claiming that the reason why they were defeated in the election was because Obama and the Democrats gave out “extraordinary financial gifts” like free healthcare and green cards to Blacks, Hispanics, young people, and other members of their base and then mounted an aggressive turn-out-the-vote effort to get them to the polls. You […]


Late Night Political Humor

“I know why you’re happy tonight. Your uterus is safe for another four years. How about that? Mormon has broken, and we are black in the saddle again.” – Bill Maher “I heard an update from Con Edison, the electricity company. They said the Republicans now will be without power for the next four years.” […]


Post Election Porn

© Keef Knight As far as guilty pleasures go, it’s a pretty good one.



I had to think about this post for a while. Part of me wanted to post it because I work with computers for a living. Part of me wanted to post it because I’m friends with some of the people who wrote the original Obama campaign mobile application back in 2008 (which was very successful). […]


The Unbelievably Crazy World of Super PACs

Stephen Colbert shuts down his Super PAC, but manages to surprise even people like me who already thought our election laws are completely screwed up. This is unbelievable.


Animals in the Zoo

[Our favorite senior citizens Margaret and Helen had this post on their blog two days after the election.] Margaret, I ventured into new territory today. I tuned into Fox News. It was kind of like going to the zoo… not so scary once you learn the animals can’t get out of their cages. Just like […]



The popularity of statisticians and other wonk during the election means that people are noticing — and reporting on — interesting facts. Everyone knows that the Democrats held the presidency and the Senate, but still are a minority in the House. But the numbers tell an interesting story: Democratic candidates for the House received slightly […]
