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Monthly Archives: February 2014

Old News, Again

Tuesday, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report on Obamacare and conservatives immediately jumped on it, saying that it proves that the ACA will damage the economy by destroying jobs. Even the “liberal” Washington Post fell for it, running an article with a headline that incorrectly stated that the CBO estimated that the […]


The Takers

© John Backderf Conservatives seem to think that the poor deserve their fate because they are too lazy to do anything about their situation. And you know, in a funny way, they might be right. After all, somebody has to be voting for these politicians who claim that the rich are the “job creators” and […]


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama is giving the NSA new guidelines on gathering data on American citizens. He says the NSA can no longer violate anyone’s constitutionally protected right to privacy. That, of course, will be Target’s job.” – Jay Leno “Target just announced that it is dropping health insurance for part-time employees and they’re blaming it on […]



Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers gave the GOP response to Obama’s State of the Union speech, and promoted a story about a purported failure of Obamacare: Not long ago I got a letter from Bette in Spokane, who hoped the President’s health care law would save her money – but found out instead that her premiums […]


South gets slapped for ignoring reality

Think we don’t need any government? Oops! What I find hilarious is that while we all heard on the news how terrible things were in Atlanta — people stranded all night in their snowed-in cars, students forced to sleep on the gym floor at their schools or on school buses because they could not get […]


Do as I say, not as I do

Republicans decry the lack of bipartisanship in Washington. Seriously. Good thing we have Jon Stewart to call them on their bullshit:
