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Monthly Archives: August 2014

How’s that Working Out for Ya, Kansas?

In 2010, former ultra-conservative Senator Sam Brownback was elected governor of Kansas. Then, with massive help from the Koch brothers (who are headquartered in Wichita), he engineered a Tea Party takeover of the legislature, which became the most conservative state legislature in the nation by purging virtually all of their moderate Republicans (the Democrats having […]


The cure is worse than the disease

© Adam Zyglis The Republicans have still not given us their promised alternative to Obamacare. And it is very unlikely they ever will. In fact, I think about the only thing they have consistently promoted that is not already in the ACA is tort reform, which they claim will lower the cost of malpractice insurance […]


Late Night Political Humor

“In Washington the House passed a bill today to go forward with a lawsuit against President Obama. Who says Congress can’t get anything done? They’re suing the president.” – Jimmy Kimmel “President Obama is facing repeated calls for his impeachment because of the immigration crisis at the border. But yesterday House Speaker John Boehner said […]


Guns N Roses

US District Judge Myron Thompson ruled yesterday that a 2013 Alabama state abortion clinic law is unconstitutional. Thompson ruled that the law’s requirement that abortion doctors have admitting privileges at hospitals in the same metropolitan area where they do abortions is an undue burden on womens’ right to abortions, because it would force the closing […]


Late Night Political Humor

“U.S. intelligence now says that the Malaysian flight was definitely taken down by Russian separatists. But those Russians, they stick with that Soviet propaganda shit. Putin said today ‘no, it’s because one of the passengers turned on their cell phones. Either that or Pussy Riot shot it down.’” – Bill Maher “There’s a twelve hour […]


Business is Booming

© Ted Rall Despite the economic recovery, 35% of Americans have debts and unpaid bills that have been reported to collections agencies. That’s because most of the recovery has been funneled to the richest. But at least there is one business that is booming.



The House Intelligence Committee, which is led by Republicans, has concluded that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. So, does anyone believe that Fox News will actually shut up about Benghazi now?


Late Night Political Humor

“Yesterday, a judge said that Obamacare is an acceptable substitute for state-run health insurance. He actually said that, ‘It’s just like Domino’s being a substitute for Pizza Hut.’ Then, Americans said, ‘Well, either way, it’s taken you guys way longer than 30 minutes to deliver it, so give us our free healthcare.’” – Jimmy Fallon […]


Immigration Irony

An amazing story is unfolding in Washington. Just before the start of the August recess, the GOP wasn’t able to come up with the votes to pass even their tremendously watered down immigration bill to clean up the humanitarian crisis at the border caused by the influx of children from Central America. So the Republican […]


Why This Gridlock is Different

NBC has an interesting article “A New Kind of Gridlock: Why Congress Is More Broken Than Ever“. I’m usually skeptical about articles like this, because we are always seeing people claim that things are getting worse, when in general, things are actually getting mostly better. The number of wars is going down, tolerance for other […]


Late Night Political Humor

“I saw that Hillary Clinton visited the headquarters of Twitter and Facebook yesterday. Hillary would also have visited LinkedIn, but she already knows what job she wants.” – Jimmy Fallon “Today, Secretary of State John Kerry traveled to Egypt and had to pass through a metal detector before he could meet with officials. Which is […]
