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Monthly Archives: July 2016

Unscheduled Events at the RNC

There were many unscheduled events at the Republican convention, including plagiarism and speakers getting booed off the stage. But did you catch these? © Brian McFadden The cartoonist explains that he drew this comic before the convention started. Now that the Trump Show is over, how did reality compare to his satiric prediction?


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from July 6, 2016] “The Juno satellite probe which hasn’t been heard from in five years and has been traveling through deep space finally reached Jupiter yesterday and reestablished contact with Earth. The Jupiter satellite’s first message was, ‘The Republican Nominee is WHO?’” – Conan O’Brien “In a speech yesterday, Donald Trump praised Saddam […]


Tim Kaine

I must admit that I wasn’t paying too much attention to the VP selection contest, and so when Clinton announced Tim Kaine as her VP pick, I didn’t know much about him. I know that people say he’s boring, or that he is too moderate. So I took some time today to investigate. I might […]



Things you should read: Bernie Sanders live-tweeted during Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC. A few samples: Those who voted for me will not support Trump who has made bigotry and divisiveness the cornerstone of his campaign. Trump’s big economic plans: Give trillions in tax breaks to millionaires, refuse to raise the federal minimum wage. […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 30, 2016] “Hillary Clinton was endorsed by the president of France. When she heard this, Hillary said, ‘Shut up, I’m trying to win this thing.’” – Conan O’Brien “Hillary Clinton has unveiled a technology plan that would offer broadband Internet access to all Americans. Which is why today Hillary was endorsed by […]


He’s Baaack!

Jon Stewart can’t help himself, and takes over Stephen Colbert’s desk at the Late Show for a delicious rant: God I miss him.


Make America Safe, Again?

The theme of the first night of the Republican national convention was “Make America Safe Again”. As Rudy Giuliani put it: The vast majority of Americans today do not feel safe. They fear for their children, they fear for themselves. They fear for our police officers, who are being targeted with a target on their […]


The Right to Party!

Tony Award winning actress Laura Benanti is brilliant as Melania Trump on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show: But plagiarism isn’t the only scandal around the potential first lady. According to CBS news, Melania Trump’s bio on the RNC website lies when it says that she graduated from college. As does her website. And Snopes looked into […]


Cruzing for a Bruising

Leave it to Ted Cruz to stab GOP nominee Donald Trump in the back, while simultaneously eliminating any possibility that he will ever be president (or even the nominee). Well done, sir!


The GOP Convention Hacked!

The Republican National Convention has been hacked by security researchers. This despite the fact that the GOP keeps hammering Hillary Clinton about the insecurity of her private email server. How did they do it? In this case, it was amazingly simple. They simply set up some WiFi access points. You know the same thing that […]


Jill Stein: Just No.

Dan Savage has a good rant about recent third-party candidates titled “Dan Savage on Jill Stein: Just No.” The bottom line is that you don’t build a real political party just by running someone for president every four years. You actually have to do work, and get people elected at all levels: city, county, state […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 29, 2016] “I read that a record number of Americans are expected to travel this 4th of July. And if Trump wins the presidency, twice as many Americans are expected to travel this 4th of November.” – Conan O’Brien “Trump is making a real effort to appear more presidential these days. Yesterday, […]


Make America Fear Again

Trevor Noah of the Daily Show has the best summary of the start of the Republican convention: As for Melania Trump and her plagiarism. As Noah says, who cares? If that’s what it takes for Republicans to cheer for Michelle Obama’s words, then they can steal all they want! What we should be worried about […]


Lipstick on a Pig

The ghostwriter of (i.e., the person who actually wrote) “The Art of the Deal” can’t take it anymore and speaks out on Donald Trump, saying that Trump is not just a sociopath, but is “The Sociopath”. Tony Schwartz spent 18 months following Trump around an listening in on Trump’s office phone conversations. And the prospect […]


A Plague Upon Your House?

As if the Republican convention wasn’t cursed enough, now the health commissioner for the county containing Cleveland is reporting a Norovirus outbreak among some GOP convention staffers. Norovirus triggers “explosive bouts of vomiting and diarrhea” and is “exceedingly contagious”. Symptoms typically last up to three days, which is just long enough to cover the convention. […]
