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Monthly Archives: December 2016

Illegal Drug Use by Teens Drops

With all this bad news lately, it is nice to have some good news. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that drug use among US teens has hit an all-time low. And that includes alcohol and tobacco. The drops in drug use are significant. For example, among 12th graders: Abuse of prescription pain […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Dec. 5, 2016] “Al Gore met with Donald Trump today to discuss climate change. They probably talked about how climate change could lead to massive floods in places like New York City. Trump was like, ‘That’s why I live on the 58th floor.’” – Jimmy Fallon “Today, Al Gore met with Donald Trump […]


Would Sanders Have Won?

According to an analysis published in Mother Jones, in a word, no. Not a snowball’s chance in hell. Using the DW-NOMINATE system that ranks politicians by how liberal they are, nobody below 15 on their scale (meaning that they are less liberal than 15% of Congress) has ever won the presidency. Bernie Sanders scores a […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Dec. 1, 2016] “Donald Trump is considering Sarah Palin to be his secretary of Veterans Affairs. Palin says she’s great at helping veterans. John McCain was like, ‘Wrong’.” – Jimmy Fallon “This is a true story: For his secretary of defense, Donald Trump has chosen a retired Marine general whose nickname is Mad […]


Blackmailing the President

There has been quite a bit of concern over Donald Trump’s conflicts of interest. Now, in Newsweek, Kurt Eichenwald gives specific examples of how this can cause really big problems. Like how a foreign leader could easily blackmail Trump. In fact, he even gives examples of how this is already happening: Donald Trump hasn’t been […]


Ultimate Insider Trading

On December 12, at 8:26am, apparently out of the blue, Donald Trump made the following tweet: The stock of Lockheed-Martin immediately dropped 4%, losing $4 billion in a few minutes. Trump has attacked companies before. Just a week earlier, Trump attacked Boeing, causing its stock to drop 1%. Trump’s tweet that time happened an hour […]


Alternatives to Trump?

© Matt Bors We are so screwed.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Nov. 30, 2016] “Trump and Mitt Romney were spotted having dinner here New York last night, and everyone’s talking about Romney’s expression. It got even worse when the spaghetti came and Trump said, ‘Ever see ‘Lady and the Tramp’?’” – Jimmy Fallon “At their dinner together, President-elect Donald Trump and Mitt Romney dined […]


Exceptional Interference?

Why is it so difficult for some people to believe that the Russians deliberately influenced the outcome of the US presidential election? First of all, they have the technology to do it, they have done it in other countries, and they would have every incentive to do it. Whether it is just trying to lessen […]



At Donald Trump’s rally in Michigan last Friday, the crowd started chanting “Lock her up”: The chant “lock her up” became a common occurrence at Trump’s rallies while he was running for president. During the presidential campaign, Trump pledged to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton for her use of a private email server […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Nov. 28, 2016] “Trump went on Twitter yesterday to claim that he actually won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of illegal voters and that any recount will change nothing. Speaking of nothing changing, Trump won and still says the election was rigged.” – Jimmy Fallon “Yesterday, Donald Trump tweeted that […]


Sinking Feeling

Yes, Donald Trump really did appoint a climate change denier to head up the EPA.


Subversive Political Art

An interesting article about the Time magazine cover naming Donald Trump the “Person of the Year”. The article concludes “As a photograph, it’s a rare achievement. As a cover, it’s a statement.” As someone who has studied art, I must say I think they are spot-on. If you are at all interested in how photographs […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Nov. 22, 2016] “Right now, the focus is on who Trump will appoint to his cabinet. In fact, C-SPAN aired a live feed of the elevators at Trump Tower that captured potential cabinet members going up to meet him. It even caught the moment when Ted Cruz was approaching the elevator and everyone […]


It is going to be worse than you imagine

Rolling Stone just published “Trump’s Presidency Is Shaping Up to Be an American Tragedy“. Want more bad news? Trump has appointed more big money donors to his administration than any president in history. The presidency has been bought. Trump made a big deal complaining that Hillary Clinton met with donors to the Clinton Foundation, but […]
