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The Hypocrisy of Fox News

This video shows how Fox News responds to two different protests, and they couldn’t have been any more hypocritical.

First are the Staten Island Protests, which were protesting a bar that was shut down for defying both city and state Covid-19 closure orders. Deputies attempted to arrest the owner for serving patrons in violation of the law, but the owner tried to drive away, and struck one of the deputies and kept driving for about 100 yards with the officer hanging onto the hood where he was struck. Note that there is strong evidence that bars are one of the worst spreaders of the deadly disease caused by Covid-19.

Next are the Black Lives Matter protests. Can you guess the Fox News response to those compared to the Staten Island Protests?



  1. Ray Gergen wrote:

    Frau Doktor Ingraham has never been one to shrink away from displaying her deeply held hypocrisy in all things.

    Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 9:32 am | Permalink
  2. Wirelesshzm wrote:

    from a printed book, reproduction

    Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 8:53 pm | Permalink