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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Donald Trump’s Brain is Broken

There is more and more evidence the Orange one’s Cheese has slipped off his cracker:


Trump’s Golden Slippers Gang

They forgot Amy Cony Barrett!


Jon Stewart fires with Both Barrels

I know some people were upset by Jon Stewart’s first Daily Show in 9 years, because he said something negative about Joe Biden. It didn’t bother me, and as most readers of this blog know, I’m absolutely in the bag for Biden, and have been for many years. I sincerely hope that the people who […]


AI on Donald Trump

The Lincoln released another ad, this one using AI, to imagine what Fred Trump would say about Donny if he were still alive.


He’s Baaaaack!

You know, Jon Stewart’s Daily Show was one of the biggest things that convinced me to start writing this political humor blog. And now, close to 9 years since Stewart walked away from that role, he is returning to doing what he does best. However, he is only going to be hosting the show on […]


The Lincoln Project Takes Up the Border

The Lincoln Project has a great new ad (“Security”) that attacks Donald Trump for killing the bipartisan border bill. Even better, the producers say, “The next ad in this series is in production… and makes this one look like a love tap.” And remember, these are coming from people who are actual Republicans.


Bad Day for Republicans

Today was a very bad day for Republican politicians. Here’s a few things that happened: Ronna Romney McDaniel, the chair of the RNC, announced she will step down later this month. Since she became the chair in 2017, the Republicans have done poorly in 3 elections, including losing a presidential election, and is doing terribly […]


Consistently WRONG

Why in the world does anyone pay any attention to the Iowa caucuses? Iowa is a small, overwhelmingly white, evangelical state, which forces it’s population of rural farmers and pig ropers to go out on an invariably freezing winter night, where they invariably pick losers. I mean, Rick Santorum? Mike Huckabee? Heck, they didn’t even […]


Insurrections Insecure?

The SCOTUS is wracking their brains for Donald Trump. Who knows, maybe they will anoint him King for Life?


The Daily Show with Sarah Silverman

Sarah Silverman is hilarious!


One of the Very Stupidest People

Lawrence O’Donnell points out that Donald Trump, who always seems to think he is the smartest person in the room, uttered the stupidest thing he could possibly say during his fraud case in New York, and incriminated not just himself, but also his children. Which absolutely destroys his defense, and guarantees that the Trump Organization […]


Here We Go Again

You know, it doesn’t have to be like this. I recently returned from a trip that included Rwanda, which just a couple of decades ago was in the middle of a horrible genocide. Now, only a few years later, Rwanda has become one of the most progressive countries in Africa, the civil war is over, […]


Jim Jordan is a Jerk-off!

The more you read about Jim Jordan, the worse he looks. You probably know that he was a founding member of the “Freedom Caucus”, which is the Republican group that is keeping the House of Representatives deadlocked. He was an attack dog for president Donald Trump, including being a key ally in Trump’s effort to […]


Right versus Left

I don’t really understand why Joe Biden’s favorability ratings are so low. I think he has been doing a good job as president. In fact, I’ve been watching him since he was in the Senate. Yes, there are a few things he’s done that I disagreed with. For example, voting for the Defense of Marriage […]



On May 3, 2016, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), made the following prediction: “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…….and we will deserve it.”
