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Tag Archives: 99%

Scrapitalism: Blogging the Freeways

Regardless of possible safety concerns and issues of esthetics, FREEWAYBLOGGER has reinvented the soapbox for the modern Commons. View more images – many more images – at FREEWAYBLOGGER’s website. – Iron Filing


Yes! Top 10 Ways the Occupy Movement Changes Everything

Almost all Conservatives accept a meme describing the Occupy Movement as directionless and incoherent. Ironically, many Progressive activists are also perplexed by the amorphous nature of this new movement. Yes! magazine counters with a concise and clear statement summarizing the importance of the Occupy Movement: Ten Ways the Occupy Movement Changes Everything Many question whether […]


P.J. O’Rourke: Too Clever and Too Comfortable to Occupy Reality

In an American Public Media Marketplace commentary, P.J. O’Rourke accurately identifies concerns of the Occupy Wall Street movement when he states, “people are right about the sins of the financial system and right about the evil of government supporting and subsidizing this malfeasance.” But he runs off the rails when he claims that Occupiers also […]


Wall Street Trick (us) And Treat (themselves) 365 Days a Year

©Garrincha Another quote from P.J. O’Rourke: Economic history since the Industrial Revolution proves — be the rich however stinking rich — we ordinary people can make more of the good things in life. But we have to make them ourselves, with our knowledge, skills and hard work. Government can’t give us good things. Government doesn’t […]


How to not Win Friends and not Influence People

The greatest challenge to the 99% movement is not the disproportionate power of the 1%, rather it’s the power of a self-indulgent minority within our own ranks. A ‘fuck-it-all-where-can-I-throw-this-rock?’ element plagues Occupy sites from Oakland to Chapel Hill. The unfortunate and stupid chant of “Kill the cops, Burn the prisons” recorded yesterday in Chapel Hill, […]
