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Tag Archives: Conservatives

Conservatives and Genetic Fear

Every wonder why conservatives seem to expect the worst of people (Muslims, the poor), while liberals tend to dwell more on the goodness and dignity of all? Or why conservatives are more receptive to threats of terrorism? There may be a scientific explanation! A new study done at the University College of London shows that […]


Oh! Conservatives of Little Faith

Recently, Dana Milbank wrote a column about long-time Republicans politicians who are being forced out of office by more radical tea-party candidates. He used as examples, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Bob Bennett of Utah. But a reader wrote him a letter challenging the idea that these were “faithful conservatives” and even accused them of […]


The Burning Issue of Feudalism

Last week, a home in Tennessee caught fire and the firefighters arrived, but they let the house burn to the ground because the owner had not paid his $75 “subscription fee”. Even when the owner offered to pay the firefighters to save the house, they refused. What’s next? Police who refuse to stop a crime […]


If MLK were alive today…

© Tom Tomorrow Yes, conservatives really are trying to lay claim to the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. It boggles the mind.


Counting Crazy

Estimates of the crowd size at Saturday’s Beckapalooza tell an interesting story: CBS News commissioned a crowd estimate from, which based their count on aerial pictures it took during the rally. They estimated 87,000, with a margin of error of 9,000. So they claim between 78,000 and 96,000 people attended. Sarah Palin claimed over […]


The people conservatives love to hate

The conservative Right Wing News asked conservative bloggers to select the 25 worst figures in American history. As they put it: Out of all the gangsters, serial killers, mass murderers, incompetent & crooked politicians, spies, traitors, and ultra left-wing kooks in all of American history — have you ever wondered who the worst of the […]


Future Scandals of the Far Right

© Tom Tomorrow Déjà vu all over again!


Smackdown: Obama v. Reagan – Which one is more conservative?

To me, the point that this video actually makes is that the term “conservative” has lost its meaning. [Hat tip to Cliff Schecter at The Political Carnival] UPDATE: Newsweek has an excellent article about Reagan, the man and the myth, that tries to answer the question: What would Reagan really do?


Debate on the Right

Some people claim that there is no debate on the right, that they all closely follow the latest orders talking points. © Tom Toles


Unprecedented in the Annals of Crazy

© Tom Tomorrow


How I gained respect for the Tea-baggers

I’ve long wondered how conservative tea-baggers can scream and yell about our government and socialism, while at the same time taking pretty much everything that Fox News tells them on faith, even when it is a blatant lie and goes against real conservative values. A recent survey says that 74% of Republican-leaning Americans say that […]


Mature Political Movement

© Joel Pett Actually, I think the Tea Party movement has been taken over by Republican political operatives. You know things are crazy when Ron Paul — the person who held the first modern “tea party” and more than any politician represents the ideals of small government and fiscal responsibility — has three “tea party” […]


Only Conservatives Allowed to Run Advocacy Ads During the Superbowl

Two years ago, CBS refused to run ads created by during the Superbowl, claiming that “the spot violated the network’s policy against running issue advocacy advertising”. They also refused to run an ad from PETA, the animal rights group, because they do not accept advertisements on “controversial issues of public importance.” This year CBS […]


Conservatives Win 11 to 6

My two favorite political fact checking organizations are PolitiFact Truth-O-Meter (run by the St. Petersburg Times) and FactCheck (run by the Annenberg Foundation). PolitiFact recently picked their “Lie of the Year” and to the surprise of hardly anyone, it was Sarah Palin’s numerous claims of Obama’s “death panels”. This lie wasn’t just the choice of […]


Conservatives, The Next Generation

For several reasons, I found this post on National Review to be completely ironic and hilarious: Congratulations to Captain Picard! [Mike Potemra] Palace sources say Patrick Stewart is about to be knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. It turns out he is an avid supporter of Britain’s Labour party; his support must be especially welcome in […]
