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Tag Archives: Lies

Kettle, Meet Pot

We now know that Vice President Mike Pence routinely used an AOL email account to conduct state business when he was governor of Indiana. Seriously. Including during the campaign when he was repeatedly attacking Hillary Clinton for not using a government email account. But wait, there is a difference. While there is no evidence that […]


A Day Without Lies!

Amazingly, Donald Trump just made it through an entire day without lying: Donald Trump has been president for 41 days, and he finally put up a goose egg: no factual errors or misleading statements for a full day, midnight to midnight, according to The Washington Post’s great Fact Checkers, Glenn Kessler and Michelle Ye Hee […]


Nobody Knows

Nobody knows the reason Trump needs to lie and say stupid things so much.


Ironic Reversals

I guess 1984 just happened 33 years late. Because, evidently, now 2 + 2 = 5. © Jen Sorensen


Trump’s Bizarre Press Conference

I’m sure most people have heard about Trump’s first solo press conference on Thursday, but Seth Meyers has a good take on it: At what point does it become too painful for Trump supporters to hear what keeps coming out of his mouth. Or have they already stopped listening?


Trump vs Truth

If you have ever wondered how people can support Donald Trump, when he lies constantly, then you have to watch this video from John Oliver: The problem is a combination of a propaganda-like appeal to emotions, reinforced by a fake news industry. Note that this kind of non-rational belief is not confined to conservatives. For […]


Dan Rather on the Latest Trump Scandal

[Posted to Facebook by Dan Rather] Watergate is the biggest political scandal of my lifetime, until maybe now. It was the closest we came to a debilitating Constitutional crisis, until maybe now. On a 10 scale of armageddon for our form of government, I would put Watergate at a 9. This Russia scandal is currently […]


The Ironic Curtain

© Jen Sorensen How long can Trump supporters keep believing the lies spewing from the right-wing media? At some point, even the right will start getting pissed off at Trump. For example, during the campaign, Trump was a font of nasty rhetoric against China, promising to label China a currency manipulator on day one (he […]


While We’re On the Subject of Sean Spicer

© Jack Ohman PolitiFact already has a file on Sean Spicer and 83% of his statements are on the negative side of the truth spectrum — Mostly False, False, or Pants on Fire.


This Week in Alternative Facts

NPR has started a new feature called “This Week in Trump’s ‘Alternative Facts’“. It is basically another fact-checking service, but more real time, and focusing on things that Trump and his close aides and advisors say. This week’s lies include: Trump’s claims that 3 to 5 million illegal votes were cast in the presidential election […]


1984, Knocking at Your Door

Sales of the novel 1984 by George Orwell have surged in the last few days, ever since Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway started talking about “Alternative Facts”. 1984 is currently the fifth best-selling book on On Sunday, Conway defended the White House’s statements about the size of the crowd at Trump’s inauguration by referring to […]


82 Lies

Politico put together a list of the 82 worst lies told by Donald Trump during the time (71 days) he was president-elect. And now that he is actually president, he shows no sign of slowing down in his prodigious ability to lie, even about things that are trivially easy to prove are false. For example, […]


Fact Checking Trump’s Tweets

The Washington Post fact checker has started a new column just to check Trump’s tweets each week: For the first installment, they check eight tweets from last week. New installments coming every week.


Double Standard

If anyone actually believes that sexism is not a factor in our current election, Nicholas Kristof has an article for you. All you have to do is try to imagine if the tables were turned: Imagine that Hillary Clinton had had five children by three husbands. That she thought it was ok to refer to […]


Fact Checking Trump

A fascinating article written by the DC correspondent for a Canadian newspaper. On a lark, he spent a month counting how many lies were told by Donald Trump each day. His point was that while there was fact checking going on for individual statements made by Trump, the missing story was the sheer number of […]
