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Tag Archives: Supreme Court

Supremely Unclear

In an interview with CBS, Mitt Romney tries to deflect the blowback that the Republican Party is receiving due to their hardline stance on abortion. The Republican Party platform calls for a constitutional amendment banning abortion. After all, if you believe that an embryo is a person, then any abortion — even in the case […]


Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

© Ruben Bolling If the four conservative Supreme Court justices had their way, I think this would have been the largest abuse of “Judicial Activism” in the history of the world! Or at least since the Citizen’s United decision.


Why Roberts Switched

© Robert Ariail One surprise around the Supreme Court decision upholding ObamaCare is that it was Chief Justice John Roberts who cast the deciding vote, siding with the Liberals on the court instead of the Conservatives. Ironically, the reason he did this is a severe indictment of the conservatives, not just on the Supreme Court, […]


Supreme Court may reconsider Citizens United decision

The Supreme Court may have a chance to reconsider their decision in Citizens United. The state of Montana claims that they have the right to limit corporate spending in state elections. It will be interesting to see if the court has the guts to reverse their boneheaded Citizens United decision. Or as two of the […]


Exceptional Law

© Keith Knight I’m waiting for a definition of “activist judge” that isn’t just “does things I don’t like”.


The Doctor is in Court

© Ed Stein [commentary by Ed Stein] Another one about the Supreme Court’s likely decision, unthinkable just a few months ago. If the Court throws this back to Congress, it may be another generation before Americans can enjoy the health care security that every other industrialized democracy enjoys. In the meantime, more millions will be […]


Juris Prudence

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court discussed severability — whether overturning the individual mandate in the health care reform law would require overturning the entire law. Justice Antonin Scalia scoffed: If we struck down nothing in this legislation but the — what’s it called, the Cornhusker kickback, okay, we find that to violate the constitutional proscription […]


Unhealthy Interest

© Kevin Siers Is anyone else worried that after such insane decisions as Citizen’s United, the Supreme Court is going to do something really stupid to health care reform? I may have to move away again after all.


Supreme Constitutionalist

The conservative rag American Spectator is calling for Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to resign. They say “If she can no longer support and defend the Constitution, as she is sworn to do, she should leave — and take the New York Times with her.” What brought this on? It turns out that during […]


We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Ethics!

© Ruben Bolling It is ironic that because the Supreme Court is the court of last resort on everything, they are the final deciders in cases involving their own ethics. And yes, Scalia’s son really does work as an employment lawyer for Wal-Mart, and Clarence Thomas really did take money (and fail to report much […]


Conflict of Interest

While the media was preoccupied with Congressman Anthony Weiner’s wiener, the real news — released last Friday night just before a major holiday weekend so it would be buried — was the release of the data about a major conflict of interest for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Why did I mention Weiner? Because he […]


No-Class Action

When a corporation cheats each of their customers out of a small amount of money, it generally isn’t worth it for an individual to sue them. Consider the California couple who objected to a questionable $30 charge on their cellphone bill. This problem is exactly why class-action lawsuits were invented. By banding together, disgruntled consumers […]


Westboro Baptist Crock

Today, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church, protecting their right of free speech. This is a case where you can easily read the official court opinion — or at least the summary, rather than believing what some media pundit says about it. The ruling was almost unanimous, with only Justice […]


The Supreme Party

© Rex Babin Monday, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia appeared at an event organized by the House Tea Party caucus and Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, but he didn’t attend the State of the Union address the following night. This has caused some people to claim that conservative justices don’t even feel the need to appear […]


Miles to Go

On October 20th, just a few days away, 60 year old brothers Laird and Robin Monahan end their 3000 mile walk across the US to support a constitutional amendment to abolish corporate personhood. This is the defining issue of our time. A time when we, as a nation, revisit the tyranny that sparked the first […]
