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Tag Archives: Terrorists


© Matt Bors It is ironic that if terrorists really wanted to kill Americans and damage our country, they could hardly come up with a better weapon than our current health care system.


No Safe Haven for Terrorists

© Tom Toles Five US nationals were arrested in Pakistan for possible extremist links.


Redaction FAIL

Back in the days when I was frequently negotiating legal contracts, I had a trick I sometimes used to gain an unfair advantage. Most legal documents would be sent back in forth in electronic form, typically using Microsoft Word. But what most lawyers didn’t realize was that when you deleted something from a document, Word […]


Terrorists Cannot Be Brought to Justice?

© Tom Tomorrow


Flip-flopping Judges

Three different judges, all of them appointed by Dubya, have now rejected arguments from the Justice Department concerning executive authority to deal with detainees. What makes this ironic is that these same arguments pretty much got a pass when Dubya was president. Legal analyist Jonathan Turley says: It took a while for the courts to […]


Yeah, Let’s Waterboard Terrorists

In the wake of the murder of a Kansas doctor who performed abortions by a pro-life zealot, isn’t it hypocritical that the same people who screamed about William Ayers being a domestic terrorist and attacked Obama for “palling around” with him don’t think of people who kill doctors or bomb medical facilities as domestic terrorists? […]


Watching the Terrorist Watch List

This blog has reported previously about the “terrorist watch list”. The list has more than a million people on it — if more than a million Americans are terrorists, haven’t the terrorists already won? Or is it more likely that some of those people are on the list by mistake? You know, people like Senator […]
