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Monthly Archives: March 2011

Obama’s Remarks at the Gridiron Club Last Night

(“Hail To The Chief” plays as the President enters.) THE PRESIDENT: Thank you! (Applause.) Can we go with the song that we talked about? (Laughter.) (“Born In The USA” plays.) (Laughter and applause.) THE PRESIDENT: Some things just bear repeating. (Laughter.) Good evening. As we gather here tonight, all across the world a powerful spirit […]


Heck, if Westboro can call themselves a church, I guess anyone can

There are some who don’t think Westboro Baptist Church is a real church — just how do you decide if some organization is a real church or not? So if the Supreme Court feels it is important to protect the free speech rights of Westboro, then I expect to see a rash of new “churches”. […]



As if to prove this bumper sticker correct, on Saturday Michelle Bachmann gave a speech in New Hampshire (a state that traditionally has the first presidential primary) and said “You’re the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord.” Oops. I’m just glad that nobody asked Bachmann, who is head […]


Banks Not Making Cents

Right now, one of “the most active lobbying efforts” ever is going on in Congress, but you might not have heard much about it in the mainstream media. The fight is over the fees that banks collect from debit card transactions. Currently, the banks collect (on average) around 44 cents per transaction, but under Obama’s […]


Fiscal Madhouse

© Matt Wuerker Not to mention the state of denial it takes to completely ignore spending cuts for the military and for entitlements.


Repealing the Laws of Physics

Congressman Ed Markey (D-MA) delivers a smack-down on a Republican bill that attempts to repeal the scientific finding that pollution is harmful. But the real question is whether the people he was slamming even understood anything he was saying. [Thanks to Blue Girl]


Using the Budget Crisis for Political Gain

Just in case there is any doubt about what is really going on in Wisconsin, here’s a quote from Republican Scott Fitzgerald, who is the majority leader of the Wisconsin Senate: If we win this battle, and the money is not there under the auspices of the unions, certainly what you’re going to find is […]


When Pitchforks are Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have Pitchforks

An Arizona man was arrested for attempting to bring a pitchfork into a county supervisor’s building in February. The judge acquitted him, stating that the county manager’s decision “allowing members of the public with holstered handguns access to the building but denying access to the defendant because he had a holstered pitchfork was arbitrary, capricious […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is a man who cheated on his first wife and left her while she was in bed with cancer. Then he cheated on his second wife with his current, third wife. I don’t think actual newts are this slimy.” – Bill Maher “In a new interview, Newt Ginrich […]


Budget Cut Tsunami

Buried in the budget cuts the Republicans are demanding is a 28% cut to the National Weather Service, including the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. Inconveniently for the GOP, nature seems to be drawing attention to what these cuts may actually mean. In addition to saving lives when something like today’s Japanese tsunami occurs, accurate weather […]


Doubling Down on Hypocrisy

Congressman Peter King (R-NY) held hearings yesterday on “The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and that Community’s Response”. We will ignore, for the moment, the question of just what possible good could come from hearings that seem designed to further antagonize and demonize the Muslim community in the US. No, what’s really […]


Why Do Evangelicals Hate Jesus?

In what some are calling “one of the strangest, most dumb-founding ironies in contemporary American culture“, a new survey shows that White Evangelical Christians as a group reject politicians and policies that reflect the actual teachings of Jesus. For example, Jesus preached that mercy and forgiveness are cardinal virtues of the Christian faith. And yet […]


Republicans Find the Perfect Presidential Candidate

Presenting, Reagan OS 911


The more things change, the more they stay the same

© Ted Rall We’ve done a spectacularly bad job of “helping” countries like Iraq and Afghanistan transition to democracy. I for one am glad that we are staying fairly hands off with countries like Egypt and Libya. But it is ironic that the same conservatives who used to denounce “nation building” are now attacking Obama […]


Late Night Political Humor

“The Libyan rebels this week kind of hinted to the United States that they could use a little help. Right. Like, America would just blunder around the Middle East killing people without all the facts. That doesn’t sound like the America I know.” – Bill Maher “I don’t think Khadafi gets it, because half the […]
