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Monthly Archives: June 2012

Late Night Political Humor

“It’s being reported that Mitt Romney’s personal Hotmail account has been hacked. Yeah, Hotmail. Even Ron Paul was like, ‘Get with it, you old geezer!’” – Jimmy Fallon “Speaking of Mitt Romney, his campaign is in the news for misspelling several words on his promotional items. Today, Romney issued a press release that said, ‘I’ll […]


Corporations are Not People

Elizabeth Warren from her keynote address at Netroots Nation: No, Mitt, corporations are not people. People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they love, they cry, they dance, they live and they die. Learn the difference.


The American People Have Spoken

© John Jonik This is the first time I’ve seen comics by John Jonik, and this one is so good I started looking around and found his blog. Go give it a look. I’ll try to occasionally post some of them in here in the future. It is amazingly ironic how politicians are able to […]


Fool me once, twice, thrice, …

Some people will believe anything. I love reading PolitiFact, however, usually not for the humor. But there is a new posting that starts out debunking a birther chain email, but quickly turns hilarious. It turns out that the email was originally a satire piece, published by a newspaper in Hawaii. The original article is pretty […]


Vice-Presidential Material

[Received this from reader Mike Lee. I love it.] From: The Office of Michael Lee, Chocowinity, NC To: Mr. Mitt Romney, Presidential Election Trail 2012 Dear Mitt, I understand that you are looking to fill the position of Vice-President and I would like to take this opportunity to throw my hat into the ring. I […]



© Jim Morin If the Citizens United decision means that money is speech and corporations are people, then maybe we should make corporations (including SuperPACs) spending money on political ads subject to libel and slander laws. When the Koch brothers run ads like this, which PolitiFact determines to contain “Pants-On-Fire” lies, they should be liable. […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney has been giving his volunteers a free sweatshirt for making phone calls on his behalf. The sweatshirts are just like Romney, 100 percent reversible.” – Jimmy Fallon “Presidential primaries were held in California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Dakota today. Both candidates for president — Obama and Romney — have already […]


Juggling Taxes

Interview with Grover Norquist. Norquist sums up his new book, saying that Republicans should make a list of everything Obama is doing and “do the opposite”. How’s that for bipartisanship?


Chicken Hawk Romney

As usual, Romney is only too happy to support all sides of every issue (and lie about it). Back in 1965 while a student at Stanford University, Romney was a strong supporter of the Vietnam war and participated in pro-war protests. Not only did Romney not enlist in the war he praised, the same year […]



It looks like we will have a showdown in the near future. The White House has stated, as clear as they can, that Obama will not support an extension of the Bush Era tax cuts for Americans making more than $250,000 a year. Period. And Republicans have sworn to not “raise” taxes, even if it […]


Your Priorities Are Where You Put Your Energy

Republicans in the US House are showing us their priorities. On Tuesday, they passed an energy spending bill that is riddled with amendments that are bad for our country. Compared to what Obama requested, they removed funding for clean-energy and efficiency programs, and added additional money for fossil-fuel and nuclear programs. But the most ironic […]


A Fable For Our Time

It may not be a bedtime story, but it sure is a “good night” story.


Catch 22

New York decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana over 30 years ago. So why have arrests for marijuana possession skyrocketed there, making it the #1 arrest category in the state? The answer is ironic. When the state decriminalized possession of less than 25 grams of marijuana, they left possession of the same amount in […]



I overheard someone saying that the only reason they could think of for voting Republican in the upcoming election is that if they won, they’d have to stop sabotaging our country in order to make Obama look bad. The only problem with that theory is that when Bush and the Republicans were in power, they […]


Late Night Political Humor

“On Friday, President Obama spent the night at his home in Chicago for the first time in over a year. It was nice – he even went down to the basement and dusted off some old campaign promises.” – Jimmy Fallon “That’s right, Obama spent the night at his home in Chicago. Of course it […]
