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Monthly Archives: July 2012

Late Night Political Humor

“The latest poll shows 56% of voters think President Obama has changed America – for the worse. At this point, there’s only one thing that can keep Mitt Romney from beating him. Mitt Romney. ” – Jay Leno “Mitt Romney’s campaign raised $35 million more than President Obama for the month of June. Out of […]


The Cost of Obstructionism

I’m not sure if I completely agree with all of their reasoning, but there is an interesting article in the Daily Kos that presents lots of evidence that if it were not for GOP obstructionism, that unemployment would currently be under 6%. The best argument they make is that in the past when we had […]


Corporations are People!

© Ruben Bolling You may think this is silly, but other than the part about incorporating after the fact, this is pretty much true. Corporations are able to get away with murder and other crimes that would send real people to jail.


The Definition of Fake History

Steve Kornacki has a new show on MSNBC called “The Cycle”, and if it keeps doing stories like this, he’s going to be great. Kornacki points out that Obama’s proposed tax increase on the rich is exactly the same thing that Bill Clinton did when he was president. Back then, Republicans claimed that it would […]


The Least Interesting Man in the World

This is hilarious.


Repeal AND Replace?

During the 2010 election, Republicans promised to not just repeal the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), but to replace it with with some fairly specific things: allowing insurance companies to sell health insurance across state lines (increasing competition), tort reform (reducing malpractice insurance costs for doctors), and expanding health savings accounts (shielding money spent on health […]


Growing Up

Four years ago, at the tender age of 13, Jonathan Krohn gave a speech at the CPAC conference and became the darling of conservatives. He went on to write a book “Defining Conservatism” that was talked about by people like Newt Gingrich and Bill Bennett. But earlier this month, Krohn gave an interview where he […]


Go Deeper

© Clay Bennett Every time it snows, I hear some politician make fun of global warming. But for some reason they are being awfully quiet now. The point is that specific events of unusually warm or cold weather are not necessarily a symptom of climate change (weather is not the same as climate). But the […]


Any Difference That Makes No Difference…

© Jerry Holbert Everybody knows that taxes are things that only Democrats do! If a Republican does it, then it must be a penalty.


Revenge of the Super PACs

The NY Times has a fascinating inside look at how Super-PACs work, how the Democrats are playing catch-up against the Republicans. And why they have to catch up, even though they at a huge disadvantage. [The disadvantage comes from] the Democratic Party’s greater struggle with its prim self-perception. From the perspective of many Democrats, this […]


As I say, not as I do

The next time Romney tries to blame Obama for disappointing job numbers, someone should remind him of what he said at a press conference in 2006 to reporters who were trying to hold him accountable for disappointing job creation numbers from his time as governor: You guys are bright enough to look at the numbers. […]


Corporations are People, My Friend

© Tom Tomorrow The ironic thing about all this is that we’ve had this fight before. The American Revolution was as much a fight against the original multinational corporations as it was against the British government. After all, one of the most famous events in the run up to the revolution was the Boston Tea […]


The Solution and the Problem

Ronald Reagan famously said “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem”. But I think he got it slightly wrong: Romney seems to be making a career of complaining about things he helped cause. So I would claim that Republicans are not the solution to our problem; Republicans are the problem.


Risk Averse Romney

A fascinating opinion piece in the Boston Globe really resonated with me. It discusses how Mitt Romney seems to be unwilling to pin himself down on any issue, and even if he sort-of does, he’s willing to change his tune depending on who is paying him to fiddle. From his response to the Supreme Court […]


Venn Diagrams

The Romney campaign draws some Venn Diagrams, proving that they don’t understand how Venn Diagrams work: This is how a Venn Diagram works: Besides, everyone knows why unemployment is still high — Republicans have sabotaged the economy over and over again. They filibustered the American Jobs Act, stonewalled the stimulus, threatened a US default (and […]
