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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Foreign Influence

Did you doubt for a moment that Donald Trump’s political campaign was being either influenced or even controlled by foreigners? The Telegraph (a conservative UK newspaper) sent undercover reporters to meet with Trump’s Super PAC, “Great America PAC”. The reporters posed as representatives of a (fictitious) Chinese donor, who wanted to donate $2 million to […]


Fact Checking Trump

A fascinating article written by the DC correspondent for a Canadian newspaper. On a lark, he spent a month counting how many lies were told by Donald Trump each day. His point was that while there was fact checking going on for individual statements made by Trump, the missing story was the sheer number of […]


It Isn’t just about Elections

Bernie Sanders makes an excellent point. Politics isn’t just about who you elect. People have to be willing to fight for what they believe in all the time, not just once every four or eight years. One of the things that distresses me is that often liberals and progressives fight hard to win an election […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Oct. 10, 2016] “Last night was the presidential town hall debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and the audience was made up of undecided voters — or as they’re also known, the worst people to be in line behind at Baskin-Robbins.” – Jimmy Fallon “I was looking forward to the presidential debate […]


The Third Debate on SNL

Did you recognize Tom Hanks playing Chris Wallace? Hanks did almost as good a job as Wallace did. I know you may be tired of hearing about the debates (let alone the third one) but this was actually pretty funny. UPDATE: © Jeff Stahler


Gerrymandering Explained

© Stephen Nass The Washington Post has a very concise and easy-to-understand explanation of gerrymandering. The article has additional information, but the image above makes most of the big points.


Trump Book Reports

It started innocently enough with a single tweet. A St. Louis mayoral candidate tweeted that Donald Trump was so unprepared for the debate that he sounded like a book report written by someone who hadn’t read the book. And then suddenly, the hashtag #TrumpBookReport was trending on Twitter. A few examples: “Juliet. Such a nasty […]



Donald Trump attempted to reset his flailing campaign today at a speech in Pennsylvania. So about the women who are accusing him of sexual misconduct he said “All of these liars will be sued.” Nevertheless, I’m willing to make a bold (and maybe crazy) prediction. I could very well be proven wrong, but I suspect […]


Terry Tate Makes America Great Again

Funny or Die Terry Tate, office linebacker comes out of retirement just in time to save us. This is hilarious. If you have never seen the “office linebacker” commercials, click here so you will get the joke. It’s worth it.


The First 100 Days

[Satire from the Onion] Assuring the nation he would work quickly and tirelessly to carry out his agenda, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reportedly issued a press statement Monday mapping out his first 100 days of not conceding the 2016 election. “I will get to work on day one questioning the final vote tally, and […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Oct. 4, 2016] “Tonight is the debate between vice-presidential candidates Tim Kaine and Mike Pence. They’re going to debate the economy, foreign policy, and which one of them is Tim Kaine and which one is Mike Pence.” – Conan O’Brien “The first and only vice-presidential debate of this election season was held tonight, […]


Weird Al Autotunes the Debate

Is Weird Al Yankovic running for president? Or just debate moderator?


Trump’s Revenge!

Donald Trump is completely obsessed with revenge. How do we know that? Because he has talked about revenge and retribution repeatedly himself. In 2013 he tweeted “Always get even. When you are in business, you need to get even with people who screw you.’ – Think Big.” In 2014 he tweeted this quote: “‘Revenge is […]


The Hideous Truth About Hillary Clinton

The Washington Post carefully researched all the conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton and assembled them together into a convenient timeline. Finally, you can see in one place what the alt-right believes about Clinton. After all, everyone knows that she is Satan. It starts back in 1947, when Hillary is a robot constructed by Saul Alinsky. […]



Today on, the word of the day is “trumpery”. Yes, it is a real word, whose earliest document use is from 1481. But the best part is its meaning: Something showy but worthless. Nonsense or rubbish. Deceit; fraud; trickery. They even give some examples of usage: “The room was crowded with a chilly miscellany […]
