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Tag Archives: Religion

Religious Education

There is some educating going on in Florida, but it looks like the main group being educated is the local school board. The whole thing started in January 2013 when the Orange County school board decided to allow a religious group to distribute free bibles in their public high schools. The Orange County school district […]


Christian Values?

Russell Brand has an excellent rant because a 90-year-old Florida man was arrested for feeding the homeless at his church. Fort Lauderdale recently passed a law prohibiting sharing food with hungry people. Seriously. So much for Christian charity.


So help me…

On October 30, 2013, the Air Force changed their rules. It used to be that they would allow you to omit the phrase “So help me God” at the end of their enlistment oath. But no more. So for now, you have to swear to God in order to be in the Air Force. And […]


Just the Place to Go!

© Tom Tomorrow I love Tom Tomorrow’s ability to point out the ridiculous nature of our situation. Just why is it that corporation that (may or may not) employ us are responsible for our health? And how do these corporations hold religious beliefs? And how the Supreme Court can use legal phrases like “sincerely held […]


Religious Free Speech

From Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s (blistering) dissent to the Supreme Court’s ruling allowing certain employers to violate the law by not providing contraception as part of their health insurance: Approving some religious claims while deeming others unworthy of accommodation could be ‘perceived as favoring one religion over another,’ the very ‘risk the [Constitution’s] Establishment Clause […]


Fair and Balanced Cosmos

Funny or Die imagines what would happen if religious right-wingers had their way with the Cosmos TV series:



Congressman Vance McAllister (R-LA) was elected to office last November after running as a “values Republican”, touting his Christian faith and his family. He gained some notoriety when he brought one of the stars of the TV show Duck Dynasty to Obama’s State of the Union speech. So it should be no surprise to long-time […]


Questions and Answers about Evolution

I don’t know about you, but I watched the “debate” between creationist Ken Ham and Science Guy Bill Nye, but didn’t get too much out of it. The format was bad and didn’t really allow for much real discussion and debate, so they just ended up talking past each other. But something good did come […]


Religious Rights and Wrongs

Concerning Arizona’s bill allowing businesses to use religious beliefs as an excuse to refuse service (in particular, to gays). You know, I’m all for allowing people to exercise their valid religious beliefs. However, bigotry, hatred, and intolerance are simply not valid religious beliefs. And any religion that practices such beliefs should lose their tax exempt […]


Healthy Separation of Church and State?

© Matt Wuerker Yes, the Supreme Court really did temporarily rule that employers can refuse to cover birth control in their health insurance plans based on religious beliefs. For now, the ruling only applies to a few Catholic groups involved in lawsuits challenging the ACA based on their claims that it infringes on their religious […]


Merry Christmas!

© Lalo Alcaraz © Steve Breen © Joe Heller


Literal War on Christmas, part ?

[excerpted from “The Everlasting GOP Stoppers” by Marc Belisle] BREAKING: US Navy Strikes North Pole, Obama Declares ‘War on Christmas’, Claus’ Fate Unknown In a tense press conference with the conservative media, President Obama announced late Tuesday that US Navy destroyers deployed in the Arctic Circle were firing Tomahawk cruise missiles in a campaign to […]


Angry War on Christmas, part 3 1/2

If you watched the videos in the previous post, you saw Megyn Kelly claiming that Santa is white. Well, here’s Kelly defending her remarks by (as usual) going on the attack. She claims that her comments were “tongue in cheek” and that the people who got upset about them have no sense of humor: Since […]


Joyful War on Christmas, part 3

The Daily Show weighs in on the War on Christmas: But it just keeps getting stranger. Fox News informs us that Santa Claus is white. That’s right, Fox News is actually arguing about the ethnicity of a mythical person. Oh, and Jesus was white too. Remember, Fox News says that you can’t change facts to […]


Happy War on Christmas, part 2

© Ruben Bolling Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction. The inspiration for this comic started with a small disagreement in a small town in Texas over what to call the holiday party at an elementary school. As in the comic, Fox News jumped on this and printed a story that may have a teeny […]
