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Monthly Archives: April 2012

How much is Romney willing to lie to get elected?

I realize that the Republican base doesn’t seem to even notice lies, but it looks like Obama will be willing to remind independent and swing voters.


They Blinded Us With Science

© Dustin Glick I wonder how many people who deny scientific facts like evolution and global warming would be willing to give up all their gadgets that were developed using science. Or would be against scientific theories like relativity or quantum mechanics.


Late Night Political Humor

“Republicans are now starting to accept the fact that Mitt Romney will be their nominee for president. But you know, they’re not that excited about it. It’s kind of like starting to accept that you’re going to prom with your sister.” – Jay Leno “Mitt Romney is trying to get female voters and Rick Santorum […]


All Politics is Local – Medieval Version

© Caldwell Tanner Some things never change, like the proverbial Game of Thrones.


Republican Merit Badge

© Clay Bennett The Republicans are doubling down on their crazy budget that gives even more tax breaks to the rich, while replacing Medicare with vouchers that won’t even cover the cost of insurance for the ever increasing number of elderly citizens. It is clearly a cynical campaign ploy so they can claim they tried […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Welcome, lotto losers. Remember, you’re not just losers. You’re mega-losers! If it makes you feel any better, the odds of winning were 176 million to 1 — about the same odds the Supreme Court will pass Obamacare.” – Jay Leno “There were three winning lotto tickets. I guess we’re not sure who the three winners […]


Tyranny in America

Rachel Maddow has an incredible story about how the Michigan legislature is violating the rule of law, and doing everything they can to get rid of democracy in the state, both at the local level and in the legislature itself.


Unions United?

Last year, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker became notorious for stripping public workers of their right to collective bargaining. But last week, a federal judge reversed the key provisions of that law. What makes this ironic is that the judge repeatedly cited the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, saying that Walker’s law violated the free speech […]


The Race to the Bottom

Kevin Siers Why are the Republicans still pushing “trickle down” economics? And why are people letting them get away with it?


Pot Calling The Kettle, umm…

This morning in a campaign speech Mitt Romney said “We have a president, who I think is is a nice guy, but he spent too much time at Harvard, perhaps.” There’s just one problem, Romney also went to Harvard. In fact, he got both his JD (same as Obama) plus an MBA at Harvard, so […]


Late Night Political Humor

“This was the week the Supreme Court heard all the arguments about health care. The mood in Washington very tense. Angry, incoherent Tea Party protesters were everywhere, including the five on the Supreme Court.” – Bill Maher “They made their decision but we will not hear about it until June. It’s like an election in […]


You Don’t (Hear)Say!

Tucson’s school board bans the Mexican-American studies program based on “solid evidence”. The school board member interviewed in the video claims he did not know that the Daily Show “is a satirical news show and thus does not always represent the true remarks their guest make. I went on this show to talk about the […]


Fraudulent Votes

A spot check of election results in Palm Beach, Florida (land of questionable elections) turned up a few inconsistencies, so a judge ordered a hand recount of the ballots that had been tabulated using a computer system from Sequoia Voting Systems. Why did it take a judge to order a recount? Because, hand counting ballots […]



© Tom Tomorrow Is it possible for the health care debate to get any more insane? I’m curious why the business community is not speaking out in defense of Obamacare. Anything that can bring down the cost of health insurance, while keeping workers healthier, will be a tremendous boon to the economy. Even the health […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Seems Mitt Romney is going to get the nomination. That brings to mind the question of why we still have the other candidates. Rick Santorum wants to keep raising awareness for conservative issues. Newt Gingrich wants to stay in the public eye and sell more books. And Ron Paul doesn’t want to return to his […]
