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Monthly Archives: October 2012

Sexism Down Under

We now take a short break from moaning about the sorry state of US politics to see that things are just as interesting in the rest of the world. Here’s an interesting video of the Prime Minister of Australia opening a can of whoop-ass on the opposition leader on the floor of their parliament. What […]


Eternal Elections

John Oliver sees a bright side to all the election spending, and wants more:


Late Night Political Humor

“New job numbers came out today. Unemployment went way down from 8 percent to 7.8 percent. Of course, a lot of this was because of the ever-expanding industry of Mitt Romney fact checkers.” – Bill Maher “You got to hand it to Mitt Romney. He was in full command of his bullshit. In one single […]


Weird Science

© Keith Knight Where do these people come from? And how do they get elected and put into positions of responsibility over our future?


A Quote Everyone Can Agree On

A dead-on quote from Matt Taibbi that I think everyone, regardless to where they fall on the political spectrum, can agree: What we Americans go through to pick a president is not only crazy and unnecessary but genuinely abusive. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent in a craven, cynical effort to stir up hatred […]


Friendly Fire

If you do a Google image search on “completely wrong” (or just click the link), you’ll get back a bunch of images of Mitt Romney. Some sites are calling this a “Googlebomb”, where social networkers deliberately attach a phrase to a person (the most famous being “Santorum“) But I suspect that this one was not […]


Thanks, but no Tanks

Who could resist an article — from CNN of all people — with a headline of “Thanks but no tanks”? Not me, obviously. Good thing the article is definitely worth a read. It details how the same Congress that is screaming about deficits is insisting that the military spend $181 million for tanks that the […]


Mister Romney’s Neighborhood

Jimmy Fallon plays Mitt Romney playing Mister Rogers:



The Village Voice has an excellent article listing “the ten most corrupt tax loopholes”. Mitt Romney says he will balance the budget (while cutting taxes and increasing military spending) by closing tax loopholes. But he won’t tell us which loopholes. For example, the loophole that allows Apple to pretend they are an Irish company and […]


Media Balance

© David Horsey Who else thinks that defunding PBS has nothing to do with balancing the budget, and everything to do with pushing the Republican agenda. After all, you can’t buy public television. As the cartoonist David Horsey put it: So, after many long months of campaigning and promising to cut the deficit while also […]


Late Night Political Humor

“After months of buildup, last night was the first presidential debate at the University of Denver. Of course, a lot of big names didn’t show up to the event — Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, President Obama.” – Jimmy Fallon “It’s like Obama wasn’t even there. He hasn’t done this poorly since he debated Clint Eastwood.” […]


Stuck in the Middle

© Tom Tomorrow Revenge of the Penguin Plutocrat? The Empire Strikes Back? Stay tuned for the Return of the Jedi.


Late Night Political Humor

“Tonight is the first presidential debate of 2012. Tonight was also one of the only nights of the year when you might actually hear someone say, ‘Honey, turn on C-SPAN’.” – Jimmy Kimmel “The presidential debates were earlier tonight, and I think most of the nation’s all thinking the same thing – just one more […]


Debate Practice

Maureen Dowd has a hilarious column pretending to be post-mortem debate practice for Obama on what he should have said in the first round. The whole column is worth reading, but here’s an excerpt: Opponent: I want to take that $716 billion you’ve cut and put it back into Medicare. Obama: The $716 billion I’ve […]


Sesame on the Street

© Lalo Alcaraz Mitt Romney makes a meal of Big Bird. So much for creating jobs! Luckily, some Sesame Street characters become productive contributors to the economy. © Nick Anderson
