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Monthly Archives: June 2013

Secret Trade Deal

I know everyone is upset at Obama over the NSA spying on our phone calls and emails, but personally, I’m much more upset about this. Widespread outrage was able to block SOPA, but now the Obama administration is negotiating a trade treaty called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that looks to be far worse. How are […]


Can We Talk?

© Lee Judge The US is moving ahead with plans to have talks with the Taliban in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, relations with the “American Taliban” have never been worse, with Republicans repealing Obamacare over and over, blocking immigration reform, and filibustering everything Obama attempts to do (even if they originally supported it).


Late Night Political Humor

“Due to the government spy scandal, sales of the classic George Orwell book ‘1984’ have skyrocketed. So the fallout is worse than we thought. It’s making Americans read.” – Conan O’Brien “Evil Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and his wife, Connie, have been married a long time, and everybody thought they were happily married. Well, last […]


Late Night Political Humor

“According to a poll, the majority of Americans are OK with the Obama administration listening in on our phone calls. Guys approve because they feel it increases security. And women approve of Obama’s policy because finally a man is listening to them.” – Conan O’Brien “Do you mind that the NSA is opening your mail […]


The Two Faces of Obama

© Matt Wuerker What’s ironic about this is that I don’t think Republicans care if their accusations against Obama are contradictory. They just keep throwing shit until something sticks. Also ironic is that even though some of the recent scandals have stuck a bit (and the NSA scandal is even getting strong support from the […]


Late Night Political Humor

“The NSA has been listening in on phone calls. It’s people with cellphones — you hear these people walking down the street screaming into their cellphones. They’re the ones who are upset about people listening to their phone calls.” – David Letterman “This weekend, President Obama held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. It went […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Big breaking news about something we’ve known for like seven years, which is that your phone calls are being tracked and your emails are being accessed by the government. And married men all over are saying, ‘The government? Thank God. I thought you were going to say my wife’.” – Bill Maher “The White House […]


The Two Faces of Sean Hannity and Fox News

The video is far worse. Hannity actively promoting NSA surveillance then, over and over again, versus decrying it as unconstitutional now: What a two-faced tool.


Late Night Political Humor

“Another scandal hit the White House today. A report found that the government has been secretly collecting the phone records of Verizon customers. I knew something was up when I said, ‘You hang up first’. Then my wife said, ‘No, YOU hang up first!’ Then Obama said, ‘Uh, how about you just hang up at […]


Conservative Hero

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is a conservative hero. He famously cut government, took away worker protections, and cemented his conservative bonafides by supporting government-mandated ultrasounds before abortions. He is big business’ BFF. There’s just one problem. His policies have all but wrecked the economy of his state. In a federal ranking of economic outlook, […]


I Told You So!

© derf Derf reminds us that anyone who has been paying attention at all saw this coming.


Late Night Political Humor

“The mystery is over. After a month of waiting, it turns out that an 84-year-old woman in Florida has won the $590 million Powerball lottery. As for how much tax she’s going to have to pay, the IRS said it’s too early to tell because they don’t know whether she’s a Republican or Democrat.” – […]


Good Grief!

© Tom Tomorrow Five stages? If they are stages, then why do we seem to be going through all of them at the same time?


Late Night Political Humor

“More problems for the IRS. Isn’t that the feel-good story of the year? They wasted $50 million over a two-year period on conferences and retreats for employees. They even spent $11,000 on a happiness expert. I have an idea how to make them happier. How about stopping making everybody else’s life miserable? Start with that!” […]


We want our cake, and want to eat it too.

I’ve of two minds about the current “scandal” about the government keeping track of phone numbers called by Verizon customers. On one hand, I am extremely alarmed that we are rather quickly becoming a surveillance state, with pretty much our every move monitored and examined. On the other hand, why are we so surprised? After […]
