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Monthly Archives: March 2016

Trump and Terrorism

Every year, The Economist magazine produces a list of the biggest potential global threats. Some of these threats are what you might expect. For example, number one is “China’s economy collapses”. Indeed, considering how intertwined our economy is with China’s, and how we are dependent on them for manufacturing, well, almost everything, their economy collapsing […]


The Hillary Voter?

It’s ironic. The media has been talking non-stop about who is voting for Bernie Sanders (anti-establishment young people) or who is voting for Donald Trump (anti-establishment white working-class men). Or as the New Republic puts it “The media has saturated us with profiles of the voters who are turning out for these anti-establishment candidates.” On […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Republicans are blaming President Obama for creating Donald Trump. While others say he was created in a lab when a young real estate developer was bitten by a radioactive douchebag.” – Conan O’Brien “Despite Donald Trump’s tough stance on immigration, Trump Modeling Agency is being accused of hiring lower-paid foreign models. In his defense, Trump […]


A History of Violence

The Democrats should play his video (from KnowPolitical) constantly during the election. Trump should not be in the White House, he should be in jail for incitement to violence.


Late Night Political Humor

“At his press conference last night, Donald Trump had a display of Trump Steaks even though Trump Steaks went out of business nine years ago. When they heard that nine-year-old meat was for sale, Arby’s said, ‘We’ll take those.’” – Conan O’Brien “He’s showing his steaks. I’m pretty sure it’s the first campaign speech I’ve […]


I’m Angry!

Great video. Would be even better if they included video of Donald Trump saying those things. UPDATE: Appropriate punishment: © Mike Luckovich


Late Night Political Humor

“Donald Trump said he’s not happy about being compared to Hitler. He said, ‘I’m thrilled.’ – Jimmy Fallon “It came out in the news that Donald Trump was once a producer of a Broadway show. It was a revival of ‘Les Misérables’ called ‘The French Are Losers’.” – Jimmy Fallon “Ladies and gentlemen, I know […]


Trump Supporters are Racist

Well, duh. But now we have proof. And I’m reporting it because it is ironic proof. As everyone should know, in a primary you are not voting for a candidate, you’re voting for delegates (picked by the candidate’s campaign, and pledged to vote for the candidate) who go to the convention and actually vote for […]


Can the Electoral College Trump Trump?

Could this election get any weirder? You bet it could! What makes this totally ironic is that it is completely constitutional, while being downright bizarre. Even if (more likely when) Donald Trump becomes the GOP nominee for president, and even if (god forbid) he can win a clear majority of the popular vote, there is […]


Where’s the Money?

One of my favorite sites,, asks a very good question that I haven’t heard before: “How would Donald Trump Fund a General Election Campaign?” Most people assume he would just fund it himself with some of his billions, but it doesn’t work that way. A big percentage of Trump’s net worth is in his […]


Heil Trump

I don’t actually believe that Trump is comparable to Hitler, but you gotta admit that Trump is using some of the same tactics and language: UPDATE: It appears the video has been removed. You can see it at


Late Night Political Humor

“There were more caucuses and primaries over the weekend. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz each won two states. Rubio won Puerto Rico. Bernie Sanders won a few states. Hillary Clinton won big in Louisiana. Everyone went home with a win letter just like soccer camp. Even John Kasich got one for participation.” – Jimmy Kimmel […]


Trumped Up Again!

An interesting article explores Trump’s claim that he is drawing in new voters to the Republican party. This may be true, but there is another explanation. Most people don’t vote, and in primary elections it is even worse. Yes, there are more Republicans voting in the presidential primaries this year than usual. But so far, […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Hillary Clinton came up a lot during the debate. At one point, Ted Cruz even asked Trump why he wrote four checks to Hillary for her campaign in 2008. Trump said, ‘Look, with all the women I have to write checks to every month, it’s easy to get carried away.’” – Jimmy Fallon “Marco Rubio […]


Thanks Obama!

You knew it was going to happen. Marco Rubio has explicitly blamed Obama for the hatred and violence coming out of the Republican party. That seems to be a huge stretch, even for a party that wants to blame the foreign, Muslim, socialist, fascist black person for everything. UPDATE: And now Rubio has suspended his […]
