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Tag Archives: Racism

Strange Bedfellows

Who says bipartisanship isn’t alive? Last week Congresscritter Steve Scalise (R-LA) admitted that in 2002 he spoke at a white supremacist organization founded by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Not overly surprising. Heck, not that long ago Louisiana was as racist as they get. David Duke himself had served in the state legislature […]


Close to the End?

© Steve Breen © Scott Bateman I’ve been seeing a number of comics like these lately, expressing the opinion that 2014 just totally sucked. Really? Personally, as far as I can tell most of the really bad news was completely overhyped by the media with the express purpose of scaring you into reading their websites […]


Great Quote from Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Time Magazine published an excellent article by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar about the kerfuffle going on in New York city over two policemen who were murdered. The NY police are blaming the deaths on the people who are protesting against several high profile cases of police racism. They are also accusing the mayor of NYC and even […]


Existing While Black

© Ruben Bolling While this comic might take some liberties for comic effect, it is scary how many people view behaviors far differently depending on the skin color of the person doing the behavior. Even people who aren’t particularly racist. For example, if you saw a black person carrying a hunting rifle around in an […]


Strike Two

Jon Stewart reacts to yet another grand jury decision to not indict a white policeman who illegally put a choke hold on a black man (which resulted in his death), with the whole thing video recorded by a bystander.


The Negro Question

[Albert Einstein wrote this in 1946. Given what is going on right now, I think it is relevant. I completely agree that people often unquestioningly accept things with which they have grown up, and that travel is a good way to help question one’s beliefs.] I am writing as one who has lived among you […]


How to be Safe

© Matt Bors The main thing I don’t understand about the whole mess in Ferguson (despite lots of weird things that happened) is why did the black community decide that this was the straw to break the camel’s back? I think that blacks have plenty to be angry about concerning how they are treated by […]


Racist Rebrand

© Matt Bors You gotta admire the irony of a country of immigrants that hates immigrants. Meanwhile, the Klan has threatened to use lethal force against protestors in Ferguson, Missouri. In retaliation the hactivist group Anonymous hacked into the Klan’s twitter account and started posting messages, including an image of a unicorn complete with rainbow […]


The Media is the Message

Jon Stewart nails it again, with humor. My favorite quote is the guy who says “You know who talks about race? Racists.” Isn’t he talking about race? Does that mean he is identifying himself as a racist? If so, then I’m agreeing with him!


Dope Saves Lives

A study just published in the Internal Medicine Journal of the American Medical Association finds that states that have legalized medical marijuana have 25% fewer deaths caused by overdoses of prescription drugs. The reduction in deaths occurred directly following the legalization of medical marijuana. According to the lead author of the study: “We think that […]



© Shannon Wheeler Maybe we shouldn’t let the police in Ferguson play cops and robbers either.


Over That?

© Scott Bateman Anyone who thinks that our society (or even individual people) is beyond racism is deluding themselves. I would be willing to bet that every one of us has done racist things in their lives. Racism is not something that magically goes away (like, if we suddenly elect a black president), it is […]


Racial Code Words

Satirist Andy Borowitz hits the nail on the head. Even Cliven Bundy’s staunchest supporter, Sean Hannity, has been forced to distance himself from Bundy’s remarks about black people picking cotton and speculating that they were better off as slaves. Republicans Blast Nevada Rancher for Failing to Use Commonly Accepted Racial Code Words WASHINGTON (The Borowitz […]


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Tea Party

Yesterday, Senator Ted Cruz posted some nice words about Nelson Mandela on his website. He also reposted them to his Facebook page. Here’s what he said: Nelson Mandela will live in history as an inspiration for defenders of liberty around the globe. He stood firm for decades on the principle that until all South Africans […]


Racist? Part 2

Well, if they aren’t racist, then the only other possibility is that they are incredibly naive and stupid.
