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Tag Archives: Women

Playing the Victims

A new survey conducted by YouGov and The Economist teases out something that we have long suspected. Trump voters say that men are discriminated against more than gays, women, and ethnic minorities. According to the result, the percentage of Trump voters who believe that the following groups face “a great deal” or “a fair amount” […]


Does Lindsey Graham want to be First Lady?

[I was wondering when Margaret and Helen would weigh in. Helen Philpot does not disappoint.] Lindsey Graham Sets His Sights On Becoming First Lady Margaret, did you know that women currently make up more than half the population in the US, but we are represented by a Congress made up of 80 percent men? Oh, […]


Why the Anger?

If you don’t understand why the #metoo movement is so angry, I suggest you read this short article titled “Everything I can remember“. As a man, I can only guess what this must be like. I try to relate it to the times I have felt threatened or in danger from others and how that […]


Putin on the Inaugeration

Saturday Night Live is on a roll:


The People Are Speaking

Initial estimates (including official ones) indicate that far more people attended the Women’s March on Washington today than attended Trump’s inauguration yesterday. And that doesn’t include marches today all across the US (and around the world), which reportedly far exceeded attendance projections.


Playing the Cards

© Joel Pett Donald Trump has played just about every card in the book. I guess he is just jealous because he can’t play the “woman card”.


General Election!

The general election has begun! Barring any unforeseen events, Hillary Clinton will definitely be the Democratic nominee. And while there are a few “foreseen” events that could stop Trump, they are becoming very unlikely, and most Republicans are resigned to the idea of him as their nominee. What does this mean? For his part, Trump […]


Republicans Piss Everybody Off

Trump pissed off Latinos by promising to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants. But he left open the possibility that those people could apply for a visa to return legally. This week, Ted Cruz decided to get even tougher, and said that not only will he deport all of them, but he will deny them […]


The Job Interview

You’ve come a long way baby, but the Daily Show is going to take you even further.


We’ve come a long way, baby!

Watching this video actually brought tears (mainly of joy) to my eyes. If you think that what one person does can’t change the world, you’re wrong. If you think things aren’t generally getting better in the world, you’re wrong. Because, even in my lifetime, some things have changed so dramatically that I have even forgotten […]


When Women Vote

Created by Sarah Sophie Flicker. Amazing and ironic to think that Lesley Gore originally created this hit back in 1964. And is that Carrie Brownstein of Portlandia at 1:38? It is! Also Lena Dunham, Alexa Chung, Miranda July, Tavi Gevinson, and others. Full list here. For more information about this video, see this, or this.



I have some sympathy for politicians who make verbal gaffes. After all, everybody says things they regret later. So I’m curious about what people think of current Congressman and GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin, who was asked why he opposes abortion even in the case of rape. Akin claimed that “from what I understand from […]


The Unspeakable

© Tom Tomorrow Why is it that it is ok to say the words “penis”, “erection”, “erectile dysfunction”, but not the word “vagina”? A study of the use of the words “penis” and “vagina” on network television (counting scripted shows only) found that the word “penis” was used 116 times in the 2010-2011 season, but […]


GOP in your Vagina

This is definitely NSFW, but too funny to not watch anyway: Starring Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer, Andrea Savage, and Funny or Die.


Terminating your Candidacy?

Rick Santorum should have thought about this earlier, but it is not too late now, before he aborts his campaign.
