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Monthly Archives: August 2012

Four More Years

I fully admit that this is blatantly political, but he is just so darned cute:


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney is hoping to energize Republicans by announcing Paul Ryan as his running mate. Seriously? That’s like trying to spice up a bowl of oatmeal with more oatmeal.” – Jimmy Fallon “On Sunday, Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan as his running mate. Forty-three percent of Americans have never heard of Ryan and the others […]


Get out the vote, or throw out the vote?

“That’s the price you pay to prevent something that doesn’t happen.” But my favorite part is the legislator who designed the bill even brags about it allowing Romney win the election. At least he’s transparent!


Big Lie

[LOLGOP has a great rant about Republicans and budget deficits. Enjoy! –iron] The Big Lie of the Day: Republicans Balance Federal Budgets The Lie: Republicans have a plan to balance the federal budget and care deeply about fiscal responsibility. The Truth: The last Republican president who ever balanced the budget was Dwight Eisenhower. Between 1998 […]


Atheist Worship

© Joel Pett Ayn Rand, right-wing hero, was an outspoken atheist with a very low opinion of religion — “Faith is the worst curse of mankind, as the exact antithesis and enemy of thought.” She was strongly in favor of abortion rights, saying: Abortion is a moral right—which should be left to the sole discretion […]


Twins Separated at Birth?

We report, you decide. That, my friend, is fair and balanced!


What Kind of an Irresponsible Lunatic is Paul Ryan?

How can we trust one of the people who helped run up our massive deficit in the first place to fix the problem? Especially when his proposed budget would make the deficit even larger. What kind of irresponsible lunatic would put Paul Ryan a heartbeat away from the presidency? So why did Romney pick Ryan? […]


It’s All Obama’s Fault

© Nick Anderson This would be even funnier if it weren’t so true. I’ve been reading a few conservative blogs lately, and they are literally unbelievable.


History-making Congress

We are on track to have a record breaking 112th Congress. What record are they breaking? The record for least productive Congress since WWII. In 2012 so far, only 61 bills have become law. And in all of 2011 (right after the Republicans took control of the House) only 90 bills became law. The previous […]


How Not to Argue with Reality

Facts are stubborn things. The GOP game plan with facts seems to be to make some up, then repeat them so many times that people start to believe them. And usually the media lets them get away with it. But CNN’s Soledad O’Brien actually challenges these falsehoods! OMG, a real journalist? But it is interesting […]


Pro-Life Obama v. Romney

[I am reprinting this article by Nicholas P. Cafardi from the National Catholic Reporter in its entirety because it is perfect. It is beyond hypocritical that politicians regularly claim they believe in one thing, while their actions directly support the opposite. And shame on us for letting them get away with it. — iron knee] […]


Identity Politics

© Tom Tomorrow I’m really glad Tom Tomorrow did this strip. I was a bit perplexed when PolitiFact gave Harry Reid a “Pants On Fire” lie rating because they said he didn’t have any hard evidence that Mitt Romney didn’t pay any taxes for ten years. Especially since Reid explicitly said he didn’t have any […]


Evolution in Action

© Derf I’ve pretty much stopped posting stories about conservative anti-gay crusaders who are outed, since it really isn’t that ironic any more. Besides, you aren’t hearing that much anti-gay rhetoric from the right this election cycle because they realized that it wasn’t mobilizing their base and was even making them unpopular with everyone else. […]


Figures Never Lie, But Liars Always Figure

Mitt Romney is running a TV ad in Florida, blaming Florida’s dismal 8.6% unemployment levels on Obama and complaining about “105,000 Florida jobs lost”. But if you look on Republican governor Rick Scott’s website, you see a slightly different message. The governor is taking credit for the same 8.6% unemployment level, saying that it is […]


A Screw by Any Other Name

© Mike Luckovich The Obama campaign has created an interesting website — — which allows you to type in your income and see what would happy to your taxes under Obama’s and Romney’s tax plans. Of course, the website makes lots of assumptions, but the basic point is still true. Obama has already cut […]
