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Monthly Archives: September 2015


GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson said on NBC TV that he thinks Muslims are unfit to be president. He claims the president’s faith should be consistent with the US constitution. He was then asked if he considered Islam to be consistent, he said, “No I don’t, I do not. I would not advocate that we […]


More Media Consolidation

© Ruben Bolling Rupert Murdoch has purchased a majority stake in National Geographic. Not just the magazine, but their television, books, maps, and other media assets. And the former non-profit (for 127 years!) will now be a regular for-profit company. One has to ask, why would the owner of Fox News (and a well-known climate […]


Late Night Political Humor

“In a recent interview, Sarah Palin supported Donald Trump’s immigration policies and said that when immigrants are in the U.S., they should ‘speak American’. Then immigrants were like, ‘You first’.” – Jimmy Fallon “Political insiders are saying that Donald Trump’s continued popularity is causing Mitt Romney to consider entering the GOP primary race. Wow, Mitt […]



In the last GOP debate, Carly Fiorina quipped “If you want to stump a Democrat, ask them to name an accomplishment of Hillary Clinton.” The Republican audience lapped it up. Your involuntary response might be to try to think of a signature accomplishment for Clinton, and you might even have trouble coming up with one. […]


Bet on It?

As usual, in America there is a market for just about everything. Do you think you know who will win the Republican nomination? Then you can bet on it! For example, as I write this shares in Carly Fiorna are down two cents to 20 cents, continuing their recent slide. Looks like the shine of […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Donald Trump has finally signed the Republican pledge saying that he will not run as a third party candidate if he doesn’t win the Republican nomination. He signed it ‘Jeb Bush’.” – Jimmy Fallon “Trump really signed the pledge with his own name, but take a look at this. He signed it in Sharpie. Even […]


The Truth About Poverty

The Census Bureau just released their annual report on poverty, and Vox took a close look at the details, revealing information that may come as a surprise to many people. Some people like to paint the poor as shiftless, lazy freeloaders, who refuse to work or otherwise make bad choices. But the numbers say otherwise. […]


Late Night Political Humor

“In an interview with CNN, former Vice President Dick Cheney said that he has no plans to endorse Donald Trump. When asked if he’d have a change of heart, Cheney was like, ‘Yes, every week’.” – Jimmy Fallon “Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker says that he thinks only 12 states will decide the presidential election. And […]


Bernie Sanders at Liberty University

Bernie Sanders appeared at the ultra-conservative Liberty University to give a speech and answer questions. Here, Sanders answers a question about abortion: I love the fact that Sanders is not afraid to stand up for his convictions, nor does he mince words or play the politician and say what his audience wants to hear. You […]


Like His Brother, Again

Jeb Bush just released the details of his economic plan in the Wall Street Journal. He claims that his new plan will result in sustained economic growth of four percent or more. To give you an idea of how difficult that would be, no president since Lyndon Johnson has achieved that level of growth. Wow, […]


Late Night Political Humor

“The State Department just released another batch of Hillary’s e-mails from when she was Secretary of State. In the e-mails, Hillary asked an aide what time ‘The Good Wife’ was on, how to charge her iPad, and how to get wi-fi. Hillary sounds less like the Secretary of State and more like my mom at […]


Predictable Blowback

© Tom Tomorrow If you nurture irrational hatred in a group of disgruntled people by lying to them, isn’t it inevitable that they will eventually turn on you? Reagan held it at bay with his 11th Commandment “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican“, but Trump is not reading from that script. Of […]


Late Night Political Humor

“At the end of his speech, Kanye West announced that he’s running for president in 2020. He announced he’s running for president after smoking a bunch of weed. Then Obama was like, ‘Been there!’” – Jimmy Fallon “According to a new poll, Hillary Clinton has lost a third of her supporters in Iowa since May. […]


Helen, Amen!

Helen Philpot (of Margaret and Helen) has a better grasp of religion that most of our presidential candidates: Margaret, here is the thing about religion: Faith is a wonderful thing until it becomes certainty; at which point it becomes fanaticism. If there was only one true religion, fanaticism wouldn’t be all that bad. But there’s […]


Late Night Political Humor

“All the new polls indicate that Donald Trump is getting more popular every day. Apparently his inspiring riches to riches story is really resonating with everyday Americans.” – Jimmy Kimmel “Right now members of the Republican National Committee are essentially the scientists in a movie realizing their creation has escaped from the lab.” – Jimmy […]
