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Monthly Archives: September 2015

Logical Conclusion

© Dan Wasserman There’s just one thing standing in the way of repairing our crumbling infrastructure, putting even more people back to work, and revving up the economy to new heights.


Don’t use news media to understand the world

This is in Swedish, but there are English subtitles. Hans Rosling points out what too many people seem to be completely unaware of – if you get your news from the media, you will have an extremely distorted view of the world. In a few cases this distortion is intentional (cough, Fox News) but even […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Today is a special day. Today is women’s equality day. Donald Trump calls it ‘that time of the year again’.” – Conan O’Brien “Donald Trump presided over a rally in Dubuc, Iowa, where he touted his strong skills as a negotiator and showed off his considerable skills as an impressionist. I don’t know if Donald […]


Market Value

© Tom Tomorrow Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone. But the value of everything – stocks, your home, even the value of money – is completely arbitrary. How much anything is worth is based on what someone is willing to pay for it, which is controlled almost completely by emotions like fear and hope. It isn’t rational […]


He’s Baaaack!

Stephen Colbert debuts as himself, hosting the Late Show, and talking about Trump and Oreo cookies: You can watch the whole show on the CBS site.


Trumping Trump

Salon has a good read titled “The shocking truth about Donald Trump: He’s actually the least terrifying GOP candidate“. Not only that, but this loud obnoxious buffoon actually has a chance of winning the GOP nomination for president, because in reality, his beliefs aren’t that different (and in fact are often more reasonable) than the […]


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s come out that Donald Trump’s grandfather owned a brothel. When reached for comment Trump said, screwing people for money is a long family tradition.” – Conan O’Brien “There was a time when it seemed unimaginable that Joe Biden could ever be taken seriously enough to win his party’s nomination, but Donald Trump just blew […]


Trumped Up

The old saying that it is easier to tell the truth than lie (because it is more difficult to keep track of lies) doesn’t seem to apply to Donald Trump. Of his 43 statements fact checked by PolitiFact so far, not a single one has earned a True rating, and he got only two “Mostly […]


Low Information Voters

I understand that most people pay little attention to politics. If they vote, those people are called “low information voters”. But there are other people that aren’t exactly “low information”, they are more like “wrong information”. They think they know things, but those things are just plain wrong. A prime example of this is a […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Today the stock market plunged 600 points and One Direction announced they’re breaking up. Yes, both of these things happened. It was good timing for me because when people asked why I was sobbing uncontrollably, I was able to blame it on the stock market.” – Conan O’Brien “Today China’s stock market went down 8 […]


Cheaper to Do Something

Here’s something interesting from a source I would not have expected. A new comprehensive report from Citibank (the third largest bank in the US) found that taking climate change seriously and doing something now to lower carbon pollution will save the world $1.8 trillion through the year 2040. Not acting, on the other hand, will […]


Late Night Political Humor

“In an interview this week, Jeb Bush said that if he had a magic wand, there are at least ten things that he would like change about the Constitution. Then Jeb Bush was given the prize for ‘lamest use of a magic wand’.” – Jimmy Fallon “A new poll shows that Jeb Bush is now […]



What are the chances that some pious presidential candidates would promise to protect this person’s religious freedom? UPDATE: Here’s an even better (and real) example. Have any presidential candidates expressed outrage that a Muslim flight attendant was suspended without pay from her job because she refused to serve alcohol in accordance with her Islamic faith? […]


Gun Dialog?

© Tom Tomorrow Why is it that we keep having the same stupid conversation over and over again? Is there no room for compromise? I believe that the second amendment does give people the right to own guns. But no right is absolute. The right to free speech does not give people the right to […]


Above The Law?

I’ve resisted saying anything about Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who is still refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay people. The legalization of gay marriage happened so quickly, it is no surprise that there are a few problems here and there. It doesn’t matter if she isn’t much of a poster child […]
