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Author Archives: Iron Filing

Endless War: Hurrah, Wii Won! Let’s Keep Fighting!

Glenn Greenwald published an outstanding rebuke of our apparent policy of endless war Nov 23rd in Salon. I think that a certain Nobel Peace Prize winner would benefit from reading more Greenwald: Anonymous U.S. officials this morning are announcing in The Washington Post that they have effectively defeated what they call “the organization that brought […]


Rahm Emanual: Standout Standup at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner

I’m not a big fan of Rahm Emanuel but he gave a rousing and eloquent defense of the Obama administration at the Iowa Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson Dinner November 19. I recommend reading the more serious parts in the full transcript here but he began with a top notch blast of standup: While we meet here […]


Middle Class: Meet Wile E Coyote

©Walt Handelsman Handelsman’s cartoon looks like a history lesson illustration portraying the position of the middle class in 1970. It makes current sense as a variant on Roadrunner cartoons where the coyote spins his wheels over the chasm for 10 years before the 30 year drop to the bottom of the canyon. Humor is never […]


Econ4: Economists Encouraging Economic Empathy

Econ4 is an association of economists who have joined to advance this mission: The economic crisis we face today is not only a crisis of the economy. It is also a crisis of economics. The free-market fundamentalism that attained ideological dominance in the final decades of the 20th century has been discredited by financial collapse, […]


China Threatens Vegemite Shipping Lanes!

©Tom Toles I like the quizzical look on the kangaroo’s face, “Where the heck did he come from?” Come to think of it, why do we need a military base in Australia? – Iron Filing


Geneology of Romney Campaign Lies

©Mike Luckovich Mitt Romney’s very first 2012 campaign TV ad is, according to Politifact, a flat out pants-on-fire lie. There is a perverse line of deceit leading from Geoge Bush’s 2000 primary campaign, through McCain’s 2008 primary campaign to Romney’s current primary campaign. McCain’s loss to George Bush in 2000 was largely due to a […]


G.O.P. to Norquist: “Can We Tax The Poor?”

This cartoon falls into the category that directly replicates reality. Like Tina Fey’s impression of Sarah Palin – what’s the difference between the cartoon and the real thing? – Iron Filing


Yes! Top 10 Ways the Occupy Movement Changes Everything

Almost all Conservatives accept a meme describing the Occupy Movement as directionless and incoherent. Ironically, many Progressive activists are also perplexed by the amorphous nature of this new movement. Yes! magazine counters with a concise and clear statement summarizing the importance of the Occupy Movement: Ten Ways the Occupy Movement Changes Everything Many question whether […]


Occupy Laundry: City Workers Politely Fold and Label During Eviction

Dramatic confrontations attract the headlines and certainly are motivational to one side or the other but real progress and the best lessons may come from more gentle showdowns. Judy Rebick’s account, full story here, of an Occupy eviction in Toronto caused my spirits to soar because of the triumph of steady determined good will over baser […]


Newt to Public: Get Out of Your Yard!

This gem is from Mike Stanfill’s blog, The Far Left Side: From the sublime to the truly ghastly, presidential contender and noted scam artist Newt Gingrich opened his big yap to complain about those mean old Occupiers at a Republican forum in Iowa this past weekend. One line that caught my ear was the following: […]


Grover Anarquist

©Bob Englehart What do you call a person who vociferously hates our government and works tirelessly to destroy our government? A traitor? Perhaps. What if he also would defund the military, police and fire departments? An anarchist? No, he’s a conservative icon and one of the most influential political figures in America. He’s Grover Norquist, […]


Heaven Can Wait, Get This Turkey Some Mac ‘n Cheese!

Right Wing Watch captured a charming moment with Pat Robertson on The 700 Club. The video clip answers that age old question: Just how out of touch can one man be? Apparently our renowned evangelist has never attended a church picnic. Robertson is a lot like that proverbial sweet, kind, well-meaning, out of touch racist […]


Celebrating Giving Thanks Rather Than Thanksgiving

I have mixed feelings about Thanksgiving. The fourth Thursday in November is the holiday closest to my heart because I deeply believe in being thankful. On the other hand, celebrating an event which led to the eventual genocide of most Native American societies is distasteful. I choose to celebrate Giving Thanks rather than Thanksgiving. I […]


Thanksgiving Themed Cartoons End Soon – Thankfully

Then the #@*! Christmas cartoons start! ©Ed Stein Commentary by Ed Stein I normally don’t like to draw cartoons like this. I’m usually a stickler for at least explaining why I don’t care for a politician or a party or a political idea in a cartoon rather than just ridiculing him/her/it. But, after watching a series […]


Parade of Buffoon Balloons

©Mike Luckovich Au contraire, there is plenty more hot air where that came from. In fact, the supply appears endless. When Newt inevitably deflates, another candidate will rise from well deserved obscurity, soaring to ridiculous heights of political buffoonery. It seems a shame to waste all this energy just to fluff talking heads for their […]
