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Monthly Archives: April 2009

Fox News sinks to new lows

This short clip from Fox News demonstrates clearly why these charlatans shouldn’t have press credentials. The headline is “National Healthcare: Breeding Ground for Terror?” I kid you not: This is so wrong on so many different levels: Their whole premise, that nationalized health care promotes terrorism, is a joke. But they don’t get the joke. […]


Political Irony Begins at Home

I’ve been thinking about the Tax-Day Tea Party protests, and the ironic thing is that I personally agree with much of the underlying sentiment of these protests, and wish that they had actually been real. If you follow this blog, you know that I am a social liberal, but I am also a fiscal conservative […]


Insani-Tea Party

© Steve Sack © Nick Anderson


Coverage of the Tea Parties

Some coverage from CNN featuring a protestor calling Obama a fascist and holding a sign depicting Obama as Hitler. The reporter asks him several times why he thinks Obama is a fascist, and his reply is only “because he is”. A more accurate answer to her question might have been “because Fox News tells me […]


Late Night Political Humor

“President Barack Obama got quite a reception when he was in Europe last week. Did you see while he was visiting Germany, the crowd started chanting, ‘Yes, we can! Yes, we can!’ Pretty amazing, a bunch of Germans chanting, ‘Yes, we can.’ That has got to make the French a little nervous, huh?” – Jay […]


Astroturf Politics

The term “astroturf” was coined to refer to “grass-roots” events that are faked — typically organized and financed secretly by a hidden organization to promote their political goals. One of the most famous examples of astroturfing was the “Brooks Brothers Riot” that succeeded in stopping the Florida recount during the 2000 presidential election. That somewhat […]


Focus on the Family Loses Focus

The Religious Right in the US is finally starting to come to their senses and realize that the Republican Party has been playing them for fools for the last 30 years. James Dobson, who recently resigned as the head of Focus on the Family, gave a farewell speech to his staff that acknowledged they have […]


Clarence Thomas’ Dishwasher

It is not often that you hear something that just seems so bizarre considering the person who is saying it, that it kind-of boggles your mind. Such is the case for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. We don’t often hear from Justice Thomas. He hasn’t asked a question in court since February 2006. His public […]


Getting your fact-checking facts straight

Whenever I receive one of those chain letters making some unbelievable claims, I wander over to Snopes to see if it is true (or if it really is literally unbelievable). But recently a chain letter has been going around that claims that Snopes itself lies, and is secretly run by Democrats (horrors!). Which brings up […]


Elementary, my dear Beck

So, is the line in the first panel about looking pale a dig at Glenn Beck? In the immediately preceding post here, he is looking a bit ghoulish. © Tom Tomorrow


Faux News can’t get anything right — part two

Earlier today, I posted a story about Fox News Channel blatantly lying about its role in the “tea parties” that are being held around the US. Not willing to merely rest on their laurels, Fox News then proceeded to get the whole pirate standoff story wrong, taking it as an opportunity to lambast the Obama administration for […]


Laboring Ironic

As they say, the shoemaker’s children go barefoot, but it is a bit ironic that employees of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) are picketing the union itself for unfair labor practices. SEIU recently laid off around 75 workers. The employees claim age and race discrimination, and that SEIU dismissed workers without proper notice and […]


Associated Press YouTube Fail

It is well known that traditional media sources are in trouble, largely due to the rise of the internet and what that is doing to their business model. You might think that the media would at least try to understand their biggest competitor. But you would be wrong, as evidenced by this recent epic fail […]


Faux News can’t get anything right

Despite their claim to be “fair and balanced”, hardly anyone is surprised at the stupid antics pulled by the Fox News Channel anymore. Nevertheless, some people complained when FNC started actively promoting anti-Obama “tea party” protests across the country, even inviting their viewers to participate in “FNC Tax Day Tea Parties” featuring their top stars: […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Hey, before we get started tonight, I want to remind any potential cabinet members you have until April 15th to not pay your taxes, okay?” – Jay Leno “President Obama took on the teachers union by saying he wants merit pay for teachers and to fire the ones who do not perform well. That is […]
