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Tag Archives: Republicans

Betrayal of Trust

Dennis Hastert was the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House ever. He was second in line, after the Vice President, to assume the presidency in an emergency. But before he became a politician, he was a high school wrestling coach. And during that time, he sexually abused at least four of his students, all […]


What is a Conservative?

Most people think of the Republican party as being made up of evangelicals and fiscal conservatives, held together by AM radio and Fox News. Never mind that when Republicans were in power they spent money like drunken sailors while not accomplishing much in their social agenda (and even going backwards on gay rights). But at […]


Two Evils that are Equally Bad

© Jen Sorensen For the life of me, I keep changing my mind about who would be worse, Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. Most of the time, I think Cruz is worse, because he really believes the stupidity he spouts, and he knows he is right because, um, god talks to him. Then Trump does […]


Benghazi Won’t Die!

Last Thursday marked the 700th day since the Select Committee on Benghazi was authorized. To put “700 days” into perspective, the 9/11 commission only took 604 days to investigate the worst terrorist attack in our country’s history, including writing a report that was endorsed by all members of the commission (of both parties). The Select […]


You’ve Made Your Bed…

Obama explains why he said that Trump and Cruz have done us a favor: I said when I was in L.A. yesterday, and initially people were surprised — I said that I actually think that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have done us a favor. People said, well, how so? This notion that Donald Trump […]


Political Poetry?

© Dan Wasserman Politico has a fascinating story about the last time the Republicans had an open convention, complete with the triumph of the establishment Gerald Ford against the upstart Ronald Reagan. Republican Party tearing at the seams amid an open convention. Candidates desperately wrangling and wooing delegates. Backroom battles over changes to the rules […]


The Three Ts

© Jack Ohman The only thing all three seem to have in common is that they are all about the rich. The “Tee” party is the Republican establishment, epitomized by Mitt Romney – the people that Trump and Cruz are supposedly rebelling against. The “Tea” party was taken over by the rich. Cruz pretends to […]


The Soul of a Dying Party

© Ruben Bolling I think most of us are glued to this election the same way we are glued to horror movies. Will there be a happy ending?


Can the Electoral College Trump Trump?

Could this election get any weirder? You bet it could! What makes this totally ironic is that it is completely constitutional, while being downright bizarre. Even if (more likely when) Donald Trump becomes the GOP nominee for president, and even if (god forbid) he can win a clear majority of the popular vote, there is […]


Thanks Obama!

You knew it was going to happen. Marco Rubio has explicitly blamed Obama for the hatred and violence coming out of the Republican party. That seems to be a huge stretch, even for a party that wants to blame the foreign, Muslim, socialist, fascist black person for everything. UPDATE: And now Rubio has suspended his […]


Doctor GOP’s Monster

© Ruben Bolling I admit that I don’t really know how this movie will turn out. Will it have a happy ending? Will it have any ending at all? Will it result in the destruction of the Republican party (as we know it), or the destruction of America (at least our dream of America)? Did […]


History Repeats Itself

Every 52 years, the Republican Party implodes. The GOP was formed in 1854 and elected Abraham Lincoln in 1860. 52 years later, on 1912, the GOP had a civil war and Teddy Roosevelt split off from the Republicans supporting William Howard Taft, into the Progressive (Bull Moose) party, allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to become president. […]



© Tom Tomorrow Efforts by the Republican establishment to “stop Trump” are virtually guaranteed to fail. Why? For three main reasons: 1. Just what the heck are they going to use to scare people away from Trump that GOP voters don’t already know about him? That he has no government experience? That he isn’t a […]


The Empathy Gap

I’m not a big fan of Bill Maher, but this is pretty darn funny: How did we go from the land of immigrants (well, except for the natives, whom we killed and put on reservations) to a land that hates immigrants and wants them to build a wall to keep themselves out.


Real Christian Values

It is nice to find a Republican who, at least on one issue, acknowledges reality. The GOP governor of the state of Georgia, Nathan Deal, has strongly denounced a proposed “religious freedom” bill that would exempt religious bigots from prosecution if they discriminate against people with different sexual orientation. What really impressed me, however, is […]
