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Tag Archives: Terrorism

Racial Profiling

Sunday, Donald Trump doubled down on racism, saying that the US will have to consider the use of racial profiling: Well I think profiling is something that we’re going to have to start thinking about as a country. Other countries do it, you look at Israel and you look at others, they do it and […]


The Only Way to Defeat Terrorism

A former covert CIA agent learned some hard truths about terrorism, and how to defeat it. Are we capable of listening? Can we ever learn this lesson? If this doesn’t make you think differently about terrorism, then nothing will.



Less than two weeks before the Orlando massacre — the worst mass shooting in US history — Barack Obama warned about a dangerous loophole in US gun laws. On a PBS Town Hall event, Obama said: I just came from a meeting today in the Situation Room in which I’ve got people who we know […]


Trump and Terrorism

Every year, The Economist magazine produces a list of the biggest potential global threats. Some of these threats are what you might expect. For example, number one is “China’s economy collapses”. Indeed, considering how intertwined our economy is with China’s, and how we are dependent on them for manufacturing, well, almost everything, their economy collapsing […]


Did he keep us safe?

Sometimes, I really appreciate Donald Trump’s big mouth. During Saturday’s Republican debate, Trump brought up the GOP elephant in the room – that despite Republicans constantly screaming that the Democrats are weak on security, both 9/11 and the Iraq war (which led to IS) happened on their watch. Trump attacked Jeb Bush, saying that he […]


Is Their Sand Glowing Yet?

While the Republican presidential candidates have been talking up a storm about how they would bomb the Islamic State (IS/ISIS/ISIL) back to the stone age and that Obama is too weak, Obama has been quietly, effectively doing something about the Islamic State. He’s been cutting off their sources of income. First we blew up their […]


The Toddler Menace?

© Ruben Bolling Another sendup of one of my favorite ironic things – how Americans are scared shitless by relatively minor risks, while ignoring other risks that kill orders of magnitudes more people all the time. We are willing to spend trillions of dollars fighting this thing called “terrorism” (despite the fact that we aren’t […]


Coded Messages

© Matt Bors When I first heard about protestors with signs saying “All Lives Matter” I thought they were protesting abortions. Of course, the same people want us to indiscriminately bomb some countries until the “sand glows in the dark“. And Donald Trump doubled down on his proposal to kill the family members of ISIS […]


A Holiday Wish

© Stuart Carlson Aren’t we the land of the free and the home of the brave?


How Terrorists Are Born

At least his skin is the right color. UPDATE: A reader sends links to conservative writers who actually believe this, and make the case that it is the Empire, not the rebels, that is the force for good in the Star Wars universe.


ISIS wants you to hate Muslims

I keep thinking this is obvious, but then something like the (latest) massacres in Paris happen and our reaction shows that we just don’t get it. The point is: Islamic radicals want us to hate Muslims. It is their best recruiting tool ever. An article in The Washington Post spells it out: This is precisely […]


Don’t use news media to understand the world

This is in Swedish, but there are English subtitles. Hans Rosling points out what too many people seem to be completely unaware of – if you get your news from the media, you will have an extremely distorted view of the world. In a few cases this distortion is intentional (cough, Fox News) but even […]


Terrorist Propaganda

Glenn Greenwald makes a strong argument that the word “Terrorism” has become a meaningless propaganda term in the West. Or maybe not meaningless, but the meaning has sunk to “any heinous act of violence perpetrated by a Muslim or other minority, usually against white westerners”. How else do you explain how hardly anyone is describing […]


Jade Helm

© Jen Sorensen Apparently the entire state of Texas, all the way up to the governor, has gone completely ape shit crazy. Who better to explain what is going on than Jon Stewart? Note that (if you are in a big hurry) the part specifically about Jade Helm starts around the 5 minute mark.


Is The Grass Greener?

© Ted Rall I don’t know if I can explain why this comic appealed to me so much. It made me laugh and think all at the same time. I like to think I can see both sides of most issues, not to agree with them, but just to see why they might think that […]
