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Tag Archives: Trump

Coal in their Stockings?

It started when progressives started donating money to Planned Parenthood in the name of VP-elect Mike Pence. Pence receives a thank-you note for every donation. Donations have surged 17 times their normal rate since the election. But why stop there? Many progressives are now making donations to other organizations in the names of their Trump-voting […]


Electoral College Hypocrisy

After the 2012 election, Donald Trump thought that Barack Obama, while winning the Electoral College, lost the popular vote. Mind you, Obama actually won the popular vote, but that didn’t stop Trump from tweeting stupid things about it: So, not only is he a complete hypocrite, he doesn’t have a firm grasp on reality, and […]


The Never-Ending Cycle?

© Jen Sorensen Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me over and over and over again, shame on me.


Buying Access

During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump and other Republicans blasted the Clinton Foundation for supposedly giving access to the Clintons for donors. I’ve noticed that for Trump, when he complains about others doing something, it is almost a sure bet that he is doing the same thing. So it should come as no surprise that […]


Blackmailing the President

There has been quite a bit of concern over Donald Trump’s conflicts of interest. Now, in Newsweek, Kurt Eichenwald gives specific examples of how this can cause really big problems. Like how a foreign leader could easily blackmail Trump. In fact, he even gives examples of how this is already happening: Donald Trump hasn’t been […]


Ultimate Insider Trading

On December 12, at 8:26am, apparently out of the blue, Donald Trump made the following tweet: The stock of Lockheed-Martin immediately dropped 4%, losing $4 billion in a few minutes. Trump has attacked companies before. Just a week earlier, Trump attacked Boeing, causing its stock to drop 1%. Trump’s tweet that time happened an hour […]


Subversive Political Art

An interesting article about the Time magazine cover naming Donald Trump the “Person of the Year”. The article concludes “As a photograph, it’s a rare achievement. As a cover, it’s a statement.” As someone who has studied art, I must say I think they are spot-on. If you are at all interested in how photographs […]


It is going to be worse than you imagine

Rolling Stone just published “Trump’s Presidency Is Shaping Up to Be an American Tragedy“. Want more bad news? Trump has appointed more big money donors to his administration than any president in history. The presidency has been bought. Trump made a big deal complaining that Hillary Clinton met with donors to the Clinton Foundation, but […]


Crony Capitalism

It’s a win-win for Trump cronies. It looks like the reward James Comey gets for throwing the election to Trump is a new headquarters for the FBI, something he has been lobbying for strongly. And the developers who get the two billion dollar contract to build the new headquarters are friends of Trump. The same […]


Oops, I did it again!

You might think that being elected president would sooth Trump’s ego enough so he wouldn’t have such a thin skin. But you would be wrong. Saturday Night Live did another funny skit featuring Alec Baldwin as Trump, about how Trump can’t stop tweeting: So of course Trump had to tweet about it! Reality is stranger […]


Where’s the Irony?

This website is dedicated to “political irony”, including humor. So you might think that the election of Donald Trump would make it easy to find good stories. But it isn’t turning out that way. For example, it is hardly ironic, and certainly not humorous, that Trump is filling his cabinet with the same alligators he […]


Blind Trust

© Tom Toles Donald Trump has refused to put any of his assets into a blind trust, like every modern president has done. And he still won’t release his tax returns. And he is already conducting business himself with the heads of foreign states that will enrich himself, even though he promised to turn his […]


It’s Yuge!

Yes, it is true. Trump is the first president-elect who is merchandising. You can buy a “Make America Great Again” ornament for your Christmas Tree for only $149 (plus shipping). In addition to being available on Trump’s website, you can also buy it from Amazon. And that’s where the fun begins. Because Amazon allows comments, […]


Continuing Racism

© Darrin Bell That’s right, Jeff Sessions was originally turned down by Republicans for a federal judgeship for being too racist. I guess that doesn’t matter anymore. Who else has Trump picked for his cabinet? In addition to racist Sessions, there is also Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (ret.) for national security advisor. Flynn is a […]


A Closer Look at Trump’s Transition Team

Donald Trump’s administration hasn’t even begun yet, but it is off to a bad start.
