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Tag Archives: Trump

Voter Fraud, Lies, and Hypocrisy

Donald Trump seems obsessed with the fact that he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton. In particular he keeps claiming (including to Congressional leaders on Monday) that he would have won the popular vote but for millions of illegal votes cast by undocumented aliens, even though multiple investigations have found no evidence of voter […]


Bad Lip Reading at Trump’s Inauguration

This is pretty funny!


Putin on the Inaugeration

Saturday Night Live is on a roll:


Telling Transition

What kind of marriage does our new president have anyway? They barely acknowledged each other. What a contrast from the Obamas.


Helen Philpot is an Elitist

[From Margaret and Helen. I admit it — I love them.] Trump has skin thinner than his wife and an ego bigger than my ass. Margaret, somebody called me an elitist because I think Trump and his supporters are morons. I wasn’t’ quite sure what being an elitist means these days and I am pretty […]


Gold Lining

© Jen Sorensen This is exactly how I feel. Every time I feel like we should give Trump a chance, he does something so stupid or petty or just plain horrible that it scares the shit out of me trying to imagine how we can possibly survive the next four years with anything intact.


Go Allred Go!

From Electoral Vote: “Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.” In 1996, when Paula Jones sued then-president Bill Clinton for inappropriate sexual conduct, Republicans were rooting that the Supreme Court would rule that no one was above the law, not even the president, and that private citizens could sue the president. They […]


Trump’s MLK Weekend

Stephen Colbert shows that you can still get comedy gold from Trump: Many great quotes from Colbert’s monologue: Well said. John Lewis is all “talk talk talk”, but a real leader like Trump is all “tweet tweet tweet”. PT Barnum is famous for saying “There’s a sucker born every minute”, but Donald Trump is famous […]


Trump’s Presser — SNL Style

Apparently Trump isn’t too happy about this. They accused Saturday Night Live of being “mean” and a “complete hit job”. Yes that’s right, the jerk who attacked a judge because of his Mexican heritage, dissed John McCain for being shot down over VietNam, made fun of a disabled reporter, and repeatedly attacked a Gold Star […]


Life Accordion to Trump

Ever wonder why Trump waves his arms around so much? And you know what? Accordions are YUUUGE in Russia.


Go Bernie Go!

The Senate is already debating the repeal of Obamacare, and Bernie Sanders is already pointing out the blazing hypocrisy if they succeed. One of the advantages of a president who can’t stop tweeting is that you have everything he has tweeted in black and white. So Sanders brought a rather large copy of one of […]


Glad That’s Over!

© Tom Tomorrow But, will 2017 be better than 2016? Will people finally get wise to Russian/Corporate/Republican false news? Will Democrats stop blaming other Dems for the loss and unify to achieve their common goals (and maybe in the process wake up, energized, and get a backbone)? Will people get tired of Trump’s terrible tweets? […]


No Laughing Matter?

Now that the election is over, political comics are having a tough time. Yeah, I know, everyone thought that Donald Trump winning the election would be pure gold for comedians, but it turns out that it is not that easy. This country has become so polarized that if you make political jokes about Trump, you […]


Consistently Inconsistent

Early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump tweeted this: But the same day, just a few hours later, Trump told reporters that he thought the transition was going “very, very smoothly. Very good.” My only question is, which Trump is Dr. Jekyll, and which one is Mr. Hyde?



I think the best solution is to keep pissing Donald Trump off as much as possible. He’ll stay up all night, every night, tweeting away. Keep him busy. Maybe that will minimize the damage from his presidency. I predict it won’t take too long for people to get tired of him, just like they got […]
