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Monthly Archives: November 2015

Late Night Political Humor

“Congrats to the Kansas City Royals, who beat the Mets to win their first World Series in 30 years. Since the Royals won, they’ll get to meet President Obama. And since the Mets blew an early lead and lost, they’ll get to meet Jeb Bush.” – Jimmy Fallon “I read about a 73-year-old man who […]


Helping the Terrorists Win?

Some people are comparing our hostility to the Syrian refugees to a similar situation on the eve of WWII, when 67% of Americans were against letting Jewish refugees escaping Nazi Germany come to the US. And 100 years before that, refugees from the Irish Famine were treated just as badly. Daesh (and terrorism) is our […]


They All Look Alike To Us

Can you tell the difference between a Daesh terrorist and a Syrian Refugee. It isn’t that difficult! © Jen Sorensen In the wake of the Paris attacks, we are scared shitless of the Syrian refugees, even though these are the people who are trying to escape Daesh. Besides, all the Paris terrorists had European passports. […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Halloween is just a couple days away. Everybody’s getting in the spirit. In fact last night, I watched TWO scary movies: the Republican debate and the Mets game. I’ll be having nightmares for WEEKS!” – Jimmy Fallon “Last night in Colorado the Republican candidates for president gathered to debate. It was the most-watched program in […]


ISIS wants you to hate Muslims

I keep thinking this is obvious, but then something like the (latest) massacres in Paris happen and our reaction shows that we just don’t get it. The point is: Islamic radicals want us to hate Muslims. It is their best recruiting tool ever. An article in The Washington Post spells it out: This is precisely […]


Love Your Corporatocracy!

© Ruben Bolling This comic is brilliant. And it doesn’t even mention the military propaganda pre-game shows that are paid for by the military using your tax dollars. Or the sports stadiums that are heavily subsidized by local governments (when those same local governments were broke). It also doesn’t mention that conservatives seem to love […]


Proven Christians?

Rupert Murdoch (the dark lord of Fox News) tweeted the following: Obama facing enormous opposition in accepting refugees. Maybe make special exception for proven Christians. Seriously? Proven Christians? Of course, the best part is all the responses to his tweet. Here are just a few: ‘proven’ Christians. Lolz. Some sort of bible quiz on the […]


Investigate This!

You really should go read a stunning article in Politico Magazine, which interviewed all living former CIA directors and other intelligence officers to answer the question “Did the Bush administration know that an attack was coming?”. And according to the CIA, the answer is an unequivocal yes. Not only did Dubya and his administration not […]


Religious Freedom

A woman in Massachusetts won the right to wear a colander on her head in her driver’s license photo: Lindsay Miller is a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Also known as Pastafarians, members are encouraged to wear a colander in official identification photos as a public expression of their belief. I […]


Who Says the GOP Doesn’t Believe in Evolution?

It took me a minute to get this. Say the three names quickly.


Obamacare: Good for Jobs

The GOP is still trying to repeal Obamacare. If that isn’t strange enough, arch-conservative Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Mike Lee are going to vote against this repeal, saying that it doesn’t go far enough. Ignoring the fact that as usual this is a symbolic gesture (Obama would surely veto any repeal), it just […]


Merry War on Christmas!

Stephen Colbert weighs in on the outrage directed at Starbucks because their special holiday cup is not Christmasy enough for some Christians:


Dark Money Landslide?

I’ve complained about “dark money” – unlimited money coming from 501(c)(4) and 501(c)(6) organizations that don’t have to disclose their donors, and who can use that money for political campaigns. Because they don’t have to disclose their donors, their money can come from foreign enemies, even criminal or terrorist organizations. Well, it is getting worse. […]


No Limits

© Jen Sorensen Yes, it is true, Arizona is now the only state that has a one-year lifetime limit on Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) benefits. Which means that next July, about half the people currently receiving benefits will lose them. What’s ironic about this is that TANF is specifically designed to move people […]


Meet Mrs. Fulbright

Some of you may have heard of “Honest” Gil Fulbright, who may be the world’s most honest politician. But the honesty doesn’t stop with him. Here’s an ad with his honest wife. Be sure to watch to the end, where there’s an easter egg.
